06-07-2006, 11:00 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 349
Do You Baby Your Device?
You spent hundreds of dollars to get the device you've been aching for. You swear that nothing will make contact with the touchscreen, except for a screen protector. A week in advance, you've ordered a silicon or aluminum case, as if to coordinate its arrival to your device's welcome home. The act of sheathing your device in your pants now becomes a ritual to make sure you have no sharp or metallic objects in your pockets to cause inadvertent damage. Does this sound like you? Well, I'll admit, to a certain degree, this is how I feel and have been about my devices. So, you can imagine my horror when my friend pulled out his Treo 650 and it looked like this...

...and then asked me if he could borrow my 700w for a week. I asked my friend how he could possibly treat the device the way he does (not before he actually drops it on the ground while trying to show his to me), and his nonchalant response was, "My company pays for it." What steps do you take to protect your device, if any? Do you share the same sentiment as me or my friend when it comes to care and maintenance? Is a warranty enough protection for you? Do you consider the potential future resale value when you buy your devices? Don't worry, Mike, I'll keep you anonymous...

06-07-2006, 11:22 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 20
i baby all of my devices and get worked up if there's even one scratch. i don't case them besides a belt holster though, and don't know anyone else that babies things like me.
some of the things that i have used for a year still looks like the way it was new, not that i try to keep a high resale value, but i just like to keep things mint.

06-07-2006, 11:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 70
I might be somewhere in the middle. I've owned a number of PDA's and PDAphones over the years (currently a Sprint 6700), and while I ALWAYS put a good quality screen protector on I never use a case - just drop it right in my pocket.
I've tried cases before but I always get annoyed with them after a week and end up taking them off. I probably dropped my Treo 600 half a dozen times, spilled beer on it, etc, but it always survived with nary a scratch. Maybe I've just been lucky thus far... :wink:

06-07-2006, 11:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 399
I'm very much like that, I'm always looking for the safest possible way to carry my device, even though it is company property.
After having a Blackberry for so long, I got really use to using a belt holster. Before Blackberry use, I would have never used a belt holster as it was to geeky for me (even though I'm in the ISP biz, I'm not a geek). When I got the XV6700 I tried going back to the front pocket but it just seemed that it got beat around too much. Maybe I'm not use to it....
Anyways, I go back and forth between pocket and belt, thinking one way is better or worse.
BTW.. while on the belt holster, I fell on a roof and already broke my first 6700 so no matter where the device is stored, there's always the chance it's going to get messed up. Maybe not quite as bad as Mike's above, but it will take a beating none the less.

06-07-2006, 11:40 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 18
If I have my i-730 for another year, it will come close to looking like that. I have only dropped it twice, but in addition to office work I spend alot of time working outside and in the summer I have a campsite I sleep at 4-5 nights a week, so it gets scuffed up quite a bit. I have only one small scratch on the screen and now I do use a screen protector. I really dont have time nor would I even want to try to keep it mint. Its not a baby its my workhorse.

06-07-2006, 11:42 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 147
I absolutely baby my devices! To the point that I drive my wife nuts sometimes.
Part of it though comes from me having review devices hanging around that I must return to the carrier/OEM. Strangely, they don't like them all scratched up. :roll:
Clinton Fitch ~ MVP-Mobile DevicesPrincipalClinton Fitch (Dot) Com!

06-08-2006, 12:00 AM
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Re: Do You Baby Your Device?
Originally Posted by Raphael Salgado
So, you can imagine my horror when my friend pulled out his Treo 650 and it looked like this...
Just to be clear, the Treos are pretty solid. It's hard to scuff up a device like that. The 700w I'm carrying only has a screen protector on it, but it looks virtually brand-new. I've only dropped it on a carpeted surface once, and generally try to take as good care of it as I can -- and pocket friction cannot cause that. He must have dropped it on concrete repeatedly.
(I'm impressed the screen isn't cracked.)

06-08-2006, 12:04 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 211
I try to take care of my device, but not to a huge extent. Admittedly, I take better care of my own devices than company ones (especially the Blackberry, but that's a whole 'nother topic). I usually just try to get a screen protector on the device and avoid dropping it or knocking it off of a table.
I now have to watch out for my kid. She tries to be like dad and has grabbed my PDA a couple of times now to do whatever it is she thinks she's doing with it. I think the worst that happened so far was a bunch of programs started on my poor device. Took a while to close them. 
BTW, plug for PPC Techs screen protectors - I bought a pack of the AG protectors for my iPaq 2200, put one on, and never had to take it off after that. It's held up for several years or light-moderate use very well.

06-08-2006, 02:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 47
I babied my device and had the nicest case - until this weekend...

... when it fell out of my bag while riding my motorcycle - onto the freeway - and got ran over by a truck.
along with my Nintendo DS lite (straight from japan)
It WAS in perfect condition. So I rode straight to a Verizon store and got a XV6700 and finally joined the converged era.

06-08-2006, 02:43 AM
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As anybody who knows me will attest, there aren't many aspects of my life that I'm a neat freak about. When it comes to my PocketPCs, though, I can be an absolute nut. I've even resisted taking a brand new device out of the box for TWO DAYS until the appropriate screen protector arrived. And the second thing I get for a new device is a leather flip-cover case like the ones at Sena. My PocketPCs are important tools, to be sure, but they're still my -- ahem -- babies.
Can you imagine how insane I went one day three years ago when my brand new puppy ATE my brand new PocketPC?
I really miss that puppy...