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Old 04-21-2006, 06:30 AM
Darius Wey
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Default CEdit 3.4 (Code Editor) Released

"CEdit is a programmer's source code editor for Windows Mobile devices. CEdit features color syntax highlighting and project navigation features for a wide range of commonly used programming languages. CEdit is designed for developers who need to work with their source code when they are away from their desks."

If you're a code junkie, you may want to note that the latest version of CEdit now supports Visual Studio 2005 projects, Windows Mobile 5.0, and VGA displays. It's a free upgrade for existing users of CEdit, and can be downloaded from our affiliate software store. Additional information is available at the CEdit home page.
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Old 04-25-2006, 02:07 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 481
Default Re: CEdit 3.4 (Code Editor) Released

Originally Posted by Darius Wey
If you're a code junkie...
I kept looking at this post over the last day or two hoping to see what other developers are saying about CEdit and coding on a PDA. I was kind of surprised that no one threw in their two cents on how someone codes on a PDA. I figured that once I knew how I could understand why.

I cannot enter text on a PDA well enough to accomplish anything useful especially while I'm trying to concentrate on writing some code. While I can't see myself using this product to write code I could see myself buying this product so that I could read code if need be. I'm sure that CEdit handles formating better than notepad or Word (that's why it's a code editor) and in a pinch I could use it to fix a piece of code. I'm always carrying around my code with me in one of my pockets on a couple of CF cards so if some fantastic revelation comes to mind I could use CEdit to put it straight into code instead of jotting it down in a note or task.

I guess I'll head out to the CEdit site and see if I can find some answers on how and why over there. Looks interesting but I still have to find out how and why.

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Old 04-26-2006, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 1

Ive only recently upgraded to a fully fledged PDA from a Nokia Symbian based one I had been using before. It had a reasonably good text editor app in there, but nothing with code colouring which is so vital on a small screen (and a big screen for that matter)!

I work as a web developer, so altho I won't be building any web applications with CEdit I certainly find it perfect for simple fixes to webpages that are currently live. Often it's something small - an incorrect phone number, or a typo on a link - but occasionally I will be emailed a new chunk of text for a clients homepage, and CEdit is perfect for allowing me to copy-and-paste from my email into the HTML and then FTP that directly to the server.

I couldn't do that on my old Symbian, and it would be real pain without some of the nice CEdit features. Keeps the client happy, and I dont need to lug a laptop around with me!
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