04-12-2006, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Spb Finance 2.4.0 Released
"Spb Finance is a financial manager that you can carry in your pocket. You don't have to write down all your day's expenses and transfer them to your desktop PC financial manager later. Enter your expenses into Spb Finance on the spot and forget about them, Spb Finance will remember them for you. Entering a transaction is a two-click business, since Spb Finance has a built-in autocompletion feature. Do you use Microsoft Money or Quicken at your desktop? Spb Finance has special features for synchronization with these products."

Spb Finance is one of my favourite applications. It works great, both in a synchronised environment (with Money or Quicken) and in a stand-alone environment. The latest update offers a wealth of changes, including, but not limited to, ActiveSync 4.1 support, square-screen support, OFX/QFX importing, and improved support for Windows Mobile 5.0. You can upgrade your existing version for free (if you're a v2.x user) or download a free trial version by visiting our affiliate software store. A full list of changes can be found after the break.
� OFX/QFX import � Saving reports data � Square device skins � UI improved for WM5 devices � ActiveSync 4.1 support � Postponing Running Balance calculation � Incrementing ref field bug fixed � Transaction list for budgets � Excel export format fixed � One-day transactions order bug fixed � Transactions with no payee: synchronization fixed � Inserting transfers in Spb Finance Entry fixed � Updating today screen fixed � Void transactions mark in reports � Investment filter in accounts tab � Budget report for sub-categories fixed � Warning about empty categories for splitted transactions fixed � Exporting to MS Excel for all regional settings fixed � Find Similar feature fixed � Minor UI fixes � Budget names in Today screen appearance fixed � MS Money synchronization "Current Quarter" filter fixed

04-13-2006, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 118
I have upgraded to this release and the Quicken Version still has inaccurate balances. Does anyone else have this problem or do I have a damaged file from the last releases?

04-14-2006, 01:57 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 287
They released a patch today - don't know if its related
Version 2.4.1 (April 13, 2006)
Old versions data format incompatibility isuues fixed

04-14-2006, 03:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 118
Thanks for the tip. I downloaded and installed it but Investments still are completely out of line. No rhyme or reason to the balances. I'm about to junk the whole application. I'll try their support one more time.

04-14-2006, 03:36 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 287
You can also try PMing BUKTOP or vassiliphilippov
Both are members here and work for SPB.

04-14-2006, 04:54 AM
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Whenever I've had inaccurate data in Finance (typically after restoring a device backup) I found that uninstalling and reinstalling it on the Pocket PC end then resyncing the data, fixed it.
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04-15-2006, 01:14 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by miterb
Thanks for the tip. I downloaded and installed it but Investments still are completely out of line. No rhyme or reason to the balances. I'm about to junk the whole application. I'll try their support one more time.
SPB Finance does not support investment accounts at this time (from their tech support). Just filter out the investment accounts for syncing. They're working on it. The assumption was people wanted to manage cash-like accounts remotely on their PDA's and investments don't need daily monitoring as much. Even CashOrganizer 2006 does not support investment account syncing.

04-15-2006, 02:07 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 118
Thanks for the update from SPB about the Quicken Finance. I have been waiting for over two years for them to do something about the Investments. At the very least, they could have the courtesy to stop the application from trying to do a synchronization and inactivate all investment functions. I even suggested that probably nobody would want more than the current balance for an investment placed on their PPC. I just get tired of giving it a try when they could have informed us all not to bother.

04-28-2006, 10:30 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,389
When i last updated Spb Finance I messed up my database. Which wasn't really a problem as I had just backed it up. I deleted the current one and opened finance to an empty database then simply restored my backup.
Everything is there. All the data is just fine.
When i balance my books i mark things as cleared as i see them on the website for my bank. Then i will sort them by cleared and simply look to see if the running total on the last transaction matches that of my banks website. Very easy.
However now when i sort by cleared the cleared transactions show up BEFORE the reconsidled tansactions. Like before the entery called beginning balance! This makes all the running totals incorrect thus making it empossible to use finance to balance my books.
I have narrowed the problem down to the database.
I first tired reinstalling finance. didn't work.
I then uninstalled finance and made sure aaall files and registry entries were gone then reinstalled. did not work.
So i copied my database to a safe spot and began to test.
I exported the database to qif then deleted the database and imported from the qif.. Lost my scheduled transactions but when sorted by cleared the transactions were still in the wrong order.
I copied my original database back and tried exporting everything but the transactions to qif then exported the transactions to qfx or what ever that other option is. I then deleted my database and imported the structure from the qif then emported all the transactions from the qxf (that took a loooong time). It lost all the catagories i had assigned to the transactions but when sorted by cleared they were STiLL in the wrong order?! With the cleared and unreconsiled transactions showing up before the beginning balance entry...
So i got my fiance's ppc and moved her database to a safe spot then copied my database to her device. Here transactions sort just as they are supposed to. When i loaded my database on her device and sorted by cleared they were still out of order. I deleted my database and put hers back. Hers were still sorted in the correct order.
So it appears to be something in my database which occured when i did a restore from a backup. Which oddly enough the problem is still there when i export and create an entire new database from an empty one.
I have over 3 years of data in there and would hate to have to start all over again... but as it is i cannot use finance how i need to.
Edit: After further inspection and creating a new database from scratch it apppears that the running totals are not updating when i change the sort order. The running totals are calculated by date order no matter what order you sort them by. anyone else having similar trouble?
I use the standalone version. No sync.

04-29-2006, 01:48 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 284
Originally Posted by cshields1
�Even CashOrganizer 2006 does not support investment account syncing.
Didn't know CO 2006 was out yet or are you a beta tester?