Guerrilla Marketer Arrested at South by Southwest
"First the NYC stunt and now this? A man postering the hell out of Austin with gaudy Zune posters has been arrested. Besides the fact that the guy is putting GIANT posters up on seemingly small lightposts, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but there are probably laws in Texas against those kind of things."  Actually, just about every metropolitan city has laws against posting signs on lightposts and so forth. It is, however, a law that's rarely enforced. The police can certainly arrest you if they so choose, they just don't usually. Which is why this is so interesting. You have to wonder if the arresting cop (or his CO that ordered it) was an iPod owner. Head on over to Gizmodo and read the comments from people. If their comments are any indication, this arrest may very well have been motivated by hate for the Zune (or at least Microsoft). I mean, here in San Francisco, our entire city is plastered with day-glo ads for the iPod and certainly no one has ever been arrested for it. What do you think? Was this a justified arrest, or does it seem fishy to you too?