04-06-2006, 12:00 AM
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Microsoft Scores Massive Order for Windows Mobile-based Devices
"Microsoft Corp. won its biggest-ever contract for mobile-phone software, an order from the U.S. Census Bureau that covers 500,000 handsets. Microsoft, the world's biggest software maker, plans to unveil the deal today, general manager Scott Horn said in an interview. Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft expects to increase its mobile unit's sales to $1 billion in one to three years, from $337 million last year, and break the dominance of Research In Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerry... Sales of handsets with Windows will double to 20 million units in 2007 as corporate customers opt for those devices instead of the BlackBerry, Knook said. They still would be just a fraction of Microsoft's almost $40 billion in annual sales. The company declined to disclose the value of the Census Bureau contract for Windows Mobile phones, which can link to the Internet, run Office, read e-mail and play music. Census takers will use them in collecting information door-to-door during the 2010 U.S. census."
This is a huge win for Microsoft. While the company still faces an uphill challenge in capturing an even greater share of the mobile devices market, this contract certainly leaves a positive mark. We've seen some huge milestones over the past couple of years - for example, the Windows Mobile-based Palm Treo 700w, and now this massive order from the US Census Bureau. By the end of this decade, we may well see the average Joe's mobile device being powered by Windows Mobile. Time will tell.
04-06-2006, 01:22 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 177
I remember, years ago, when another government agency (the IRS) awarded its first major laptop purchase to Zenith's computer division. This single bulk order was so large, and it was the industry's first such order, that it was the major coup for Zenith. And look how well Zenith Computers has flourished since...
04-06-2006, 03:21 AM
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Oh man, 500,000 new users?!?!?!? Someone man the ActiveSync helpline. :wink: :lol:
04-06-2006, 03:37 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 177
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Oh man, 500,000 new users?!?!?!? Someone man the ActiveSync helpline. :wink: :lol:
imagine the first time there's a bios upgrade: all those Treos flashing could crash the 'net. Might consitute a terrorist action under the Patriot Act. :wink:
which do you think will get delivered first: 500k Treos or the next release of XBox 360s for the US?
04-06-2006, 04:05 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Originally Posted by WorksForTurkeys
which do you think will get delivered first: 500k Treos or the next release of XBox 360s for the US?
I thought the Xbox 360 shortage in the US was quelled after Microsoft recently announced a boost to their production lines? At least, there are zero shortages here in Australia. Not sure what it's like on the other side of the great lake.
04-06-2006, 05:38 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 451
At the rate MS is progressing? No. WM for phones is still not so easy to use, despite being out for a few years already. Certainly not for everyone.
04-06-2006, 05:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 107
Trust me, RIM has nothing to worry about in this deal. The Blackberry is the most reliable mobile email device on the planet. WM OTA Exchange Activesync isn't as reliable as it should be.
HP tc1100 Tablet PC, Nokia N-Gage QD, iPhone 3G and Sony Clie TH-55
04-06-2006, 07:07 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 31
Originally Posted by wshwe
Trust me, RIM has nothing to worry about in this deal. The Blackberry is the most reliable mobile email device on the planet. WM OTA Exchange Activesync isn't as reliable as it should be.
Blackberry's are overrated. It's seems that all these devices, Palms, Treos, BB's all aspire, whether by intention or user demand to eventually be what Windows Mobile already is. They keep adding features upon features and Office compatibility apps in order to work with Windows based apps. Just look at the new Blackberry 7130c. Looks awfully familiar and why would I want to buy a "wannabe"? No, Windows Mobile is not perfect by a long shot but it is native. The sad part is Microsoft spends nothing compared to RIM in advertising Windows Mobile. Haters can say what they want but 500k units is nothing to sneeze at.
I recently took a position with a company that offered me a choice between a Blackberry and a PPC6700. Hmmm...Email or Everything...Email or Everything...Decisions, decisions...Took me all of 1 sec to snatch the 6700 and haven't looked back since. We are currently using Goodlink and it has been flawless. Testing the Exchange SP2 upgrade now. Hopefully that will be as smooth.
Regardless I wouldn't use a BB if someone paid me.
04-06-2006, 12:09 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by packetstorm
We are currently using Goodlink and it has been flawless.
You had to resort to buying Goodlink because WM wasn't good enough.
Originally Posted by packetstorm
Regardless I wouldn't use a BB if someone paid me.
There are many more Blackberry users that would say the same thing about their Blackberries.
HP tc1100 Tablet PC, Nokia N-Gage QD, iPhone 3G and Sony Clie TH-55
04-06-2006, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by wshwe
Originally Posted by packetstorm
We are currently using Goodlink and it has been flawless.
You had to resort to buying Goodlink because WM wasn't good enough.
We have had no issues with Windows Mobile and syncing with Exchange. we only have one MSFP device right now, waiting on the Treo update, but so far, MSFP plus Exchange SP2 has been very fast - usually faster than Outlook on my desktop. I work with a lot of people that have Blackberry's and believe me, I hear complaints.