04-03-2006, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Enslave for Pocket PC Released
"Your mission is to guide the Earth's most technically advanced ship - 'Alienator' - through the empty vastness of space to galactic domination. Exterminate those creepy aliens who dare to live on the same spiral arm of the galaxy as you, and take their planets. Fly thru space full of space monsters, alien ships and space debris, earn money and make upgrades in interstellar shops, seek alien planets, land and Enslave'em!"

Enslave seems like a very colourful, action-packed vertical shooter. If that's your sort of thing, then head over to Clickgamer to try and/or buy the game.

04-03-2006, 05:01 PM
Editor Emeritus
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Sounds like my drive to work. :lol:

04-03-2006, 05:10 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,067
This game rocks - a must. Hope the (minor) incompatibility issues will be fixed soon (and really working PPC2k2 support - as promised in the 4pda.ru forum where the game was betatested - - also added)

04-08-2006, 12:49 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,067
A tip: Listen to the music of the great space shooter game Enslave without having to start the game!
NOTICE: this article also contains some information on .mod players for the Pocket PC � that is, not only on Enslave itself!
It was just a few days ago that Enslave, the great, new space shooter game has been released.
The game, in addition to being a really great space shooter game, also has really great music. The music files can be found in the music subdirectrory of the game (which can be found, if you install it to the main memory, at \Program Files\Enslave or \Program Files\Enslave Demo with the full/demo version, respectively.
These files are simple MOD module files and can be played in any mod-capable multimedia players. That is, if you would like to listen to the music of the game without having to run it, just rename the contents of this directory (or just the individual file you want to listen to � the filenames speak for themselves) to '.mod'.
On Windows desktops, you can use for example WinAMP to play these mod files. Note that the Pocket PC version of the player, WinAMPAQ, as of the current, v1.0 Beta build 0509 version, doesn't support mod files.
As far as other Pocket PC players are concerned, unfortunately, TCPMP, the best all-in-one multimedia player, doesn't support playing MOD files either. Picard, author of TCPMP, has been promising addig MOD support for quite some time, though; this means the player may get MOD playing capabilities some time. (To find out more, enter for 'MikMod' in the TCPMP forum search engine.
Therefore, I recommend the free JT MOD Player 1.0. Unfortunately, it's not able to find files in arbitrary diretories by default; that is, you'll need to copy the MOD files you'd like to listen to to either the root or the \My Documents directory of your storage card(s) (depending on whether they have the file ignore_my_docs) or to \My Documents (or one of its subdirectories) in the main storage.
It should also be pointed out that JT MOD Player doesn't consume much battery power and can even run in the background on a to 208 MHz underclocked PDA. As can be seen in this screenshot, it causes little battery load in both power saving (about 130 mA) and automatic (about 140 mA) CPU mode. (See this article for more information on what this means.)
Finally, the openness of the music files means you can even swap in your favourite .mod files if you find the music that comes with Enslave bad.
Note that the same stands for the music of TapzMania, the excellent multiplayer title with really nice music reviewed here. It's also in the linked review that I've explained where its music files can be found. That is, you can easily listen to the excellent music of TapzMania the same way as has been described here.