03-30-2006, 11:00 PM
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Switching Wireless Carriers to Save Money: Anyone Doing It?
"Last week, I offered advice for existing wireless customers on getting the best price for a new smart phone. One option I didn't mention is switching service providers, and that's what I ended up doing. I switched from Cingular to Sprint when I wanted to upgrade to a Palm Treo 650 but not pay the full price. I'll explore that option this week. Why did I make the switch? I had a couple reasons...So I paid $300 for a Treo 650 from Sprint. Given that I was still under contract with Cingular, however, that carrier hit me with a $150 early termination fee. Thus, I paid a total of $450 for the Treo 650, which is $75 more than what I'd pay if I'd stayed with Cingular."
The author goes on to say that by switching to Sprint and the $10 a month plan for web/email, he'll save in the long run. Have any of you switched wireless carriers to save money? Or do the devices available on a certain network lure you away? In this case the Treo was available on all the networks, but with Windows Mobile devices that's often not the case - if you want the Treo 700w, you're going with Verizon.
03-30-2006, 11:14 PM
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I recently switched from cingular to tmobile. without notifying me cingular had extended my contract for another year. after fighting with them they agreed to let me cancel. I immediately called tmobile and got an mda for 350. the next day I had a brand new pda phone and my number ported over.
03-30-2006, 11:42 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 351
Well in Canada, we dont have number portibility so a LOT of people dont change carriers. I Also need a GSM handset so I can take my phone to NZ with me easier and slip in a pay as you go SIM.. that only leaves 2 carriers.. Rogers and FIDO - and infact "Robbers" own's FIDO anyway.
Canadians get screwed for Cell phone solutions
iPhone / iPod(s) / Mac Desktop & Portables.. yet I'm a Windows/MS Platform Dev ;)
03-30-2006, 11:52 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 153
Originally Posted by TonyR
I recently switched from cingular to tmobile. without notifying me cingular had extended my contract for another year. after fighting with them they agreed to let me cancel. I immediately called tmobile and got an mda for 350. the next day I had a brand new pda phone and my number ported over.
I went the other way 3 years ago...from T-Mobile to AT&T. T-Mobile wanted to charge me $400 for a SonyEricsson T60. This was before the upgrade plans most carriers have now and T-Mobile would not budge. So I went to AT&T and got the T60 for $100. Been with them/Cingular ever since.
03-31-2006, 12:49 AM
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Much like the author of the article, I find Cingular's coverage and service in the SF Bay Area to be less-than-perfect. So, yes, I have been tempted many times in the past.
At one point I called Cingular and complained that I wasn't getting my voice mails until hours (once even a day) later. Their response? Congestion. Congestion?! This is really one of the areas where they should be sure to allow enough bandwidth. I mean, I would speculate at least half a million people in the Bay Area have Cingular.
The problem is, I just can't be sure which carrier is better. Sure some might save me money, but when I asked my friends, family and coworkers about their carriers I discovered NO ONE is happy or satisfied with their cell carrier. Everyone I asked said "[insert carrier here] Sucks!" So I stick with Cingular, mostly due to inertia...
[EDIT]: According to Wikipedia, the population of the SF Bay Area is over 7 Million, so I would have to raise my specution of how many people here use Cingular by quite a bit...
03-31-2006, 02:43 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 349
As most of you already know, I switched carriers to save my sanity. Sure I was getting a 17% monthly discount on my bill, was only paying $19.99 a month (before discount) for unlimited data and messaging, but no matter what device I had, I couldn't get a decent EDGE connection. And when I did, it often stuttered and cut out many times I needed it most.
With the money I received for my GSM phone, I am able to pay off the three ETFs on my Cingular account and cover a portion of the Verizon XV6700. I'm paying $44.99 for the EVDO connection, but the speed is so good, I haven't turned on its Wi-Fi module more than once since I bought it (and that was just to make sure it authenticated to my router!).
No regrets. In retrospect, I should have tried to sell of my contract (like via www.CellTradeUSA.com) since I was grandfathered into the Unlimited Media Works package that no longer exists the way I originally got it... unlimited data, unlimited messaging, $19.99 a month.
03-31-2006, 03:28 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 17
Switching phone carriers
Well, it seems switching is the best way to save money. I started with AT&T moons ago with a company plan that was cheap $15/mo but offered few minutes and zip data... Went to T-Mobile about 3 years ago for a SE T610 to connect with my PDA via BT. Worked great and was $20/ mo for unlimited data and about 60 minutes call time(slow but good enough for casual surfing) Phone was heavily discounted at the time and served me well. This past December switched to Sprint and opted to stay with two devices as the 6700 was too boxy and expensive at the time and the treo did not have EVDO (though I was tempted by the treo for its size and function). Went with the Samsung a900 and have 500 min and unlimited data for $26/mo with taxes. Great with ORB for streaming and pretty quick surfing via my PDA or on the phone. I am sure there are many others that switch more often, especially if paid for by employers or written off.
03-31-2006, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 13
Two years ago February switched from Sprint to Verizon got a good deal on the I700 and unlimited data. Then the coverage became spotty and some additional charges cropped up with the data service. Next thing I know my 2 year contract is expiring and I am looking at spending another $299 to get the 6700 with Verizon and my bill was going to still be about $170 per month for the same service. I look at Cingular and the 8125. Good PDA/Phone, I can get my phone and my wife's with almost the same number of minutes per month for $89 and add $40 for the unlimited data, so I am looking at a monthly bill around $130. A savings per month of $40. Add to that the 8125 was $250 plus another $50 rebate and I can handle those savings. Granted the 130K Edge connection is not the same as the 180K EDVO, but the 8125 battery lasts 2 days versus the one day I was getting with the I700 and for some the half day with the 6700. Since the difference in speed isn't that big of a deal and I no longer have to put up with Verizon and their desire to disable features all the time I can live with a difference of 50K per second.
So for each time I have moved I have saved more than if I had remained with the same carrier. You would think these carriers would work on customer loyalty more.
03-31-2006, 08:03 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 349
I really don't know where people are getting the "130K EDGE" and "180K EVDO" numbers. Heck, I even used it myself before I actually tried EVDO.
When I did multiple 600k speed tests at www.dslreports.com/mspeed, I used the Cingular 8125 inside their own store and got an average of 67-71Kbps throughput on its EDGE network. I ran the same test multiple times on my Verizon XV6700 in their store and got anywhere between 677Kbps to 840Kbps. Doesn't sound like a 50K difference to me, but more like a 10x difference.
03-31-2006, 09:00 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 199
Originally Posted by Raphael Salgado
I really don't know where people are getting the "130K EDGE" and "180K EVDO" numbers. Heck, I even used it myself before I actually tried EVDO.
When I did multiple 600k speed tests at www.dslreports.com/mspeed, I used the Cingular 8125 inside their own store and got an average of 67-71Kbps throughput on its EDGE network. I ran the same test multiple times on my Verizon XV6700 in their store and got anywhere between 677Kbps to 840Kbps. Doesn't sound like a 50K difference to me, but more like a 10x difference.
I do. I am getting between 90 - 130K on EDGE. I don't use DSL Test report, but I monitor using IP Dashboard that shows the speed real-time. Not that EDGE speed is "burst" speed, so that doesn't mean I am getting 130K consistently. The speed shots up when I am downloading large data, like CNN.com.
Either way, it fit my need:
1. Download weather data (through Fizz Weather) only use 20-30K, but the data is small so it's bearable
2. Accessing graphics heavy page uses the high speed connection (90 - 130K).
3. Terminal Service via VPN is OK, but definitely not having a DSL speed.
I'll try to get a screenshot of IP Dashboard while accessing a webpage and post it here later.