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Old 03-30-2006, 08:00 PM
Raphael Salgado
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 349
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Default SmartMobileAssets Reviews Two BoxWave Screen Protectors,m=1142912218

"The two screen protectors from Boxwave have always been a mystery to buyers of all devices. Exactly which one should I buy? asks any mobile electronic owner. Which one is best for me? What is the difference? Well here we go! Boxwave sent me one of each for my iPAQ 4700 and after a month of using both of them I have finally come up with the definitive conclusion comparing the differences between them and who they would beneifit."

I've always thought that there are two types of Pocket PC users when it comes to screen protectors: one type who will never bother with one because it diminishes the viewing quality; and the other who would struggle viewing through the original printed multilingual EULA adhesive plastic until they get to a computer store or receive their online purchase, provided they didn't preorder it already (you know who you are! :lol. However, when you do decide to get some protection (analogous pun intended :wink, there will be many types, from the cheap dozen to the outrageous single sheet. Steven at SmartMobileAssets looks at two popular BoxWave types to help you decide. What's your preference?
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Old 03-30-2006, 09:50 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,202

I don't always use a screen protector. I absolutely hate any dust or air bubbles showing on my screen, even at the edges and usually end up going through 3-4 protectors just trying to get one perfect. I know not using protection eventually leads to screen scratches and lowers the value of the device, but I rarely sell or even give away any of my devices, so I'm willing to live with the consequences of going naked.

When I have used these in the past, I strongly perfer the Clear ones to the anti-glare, as the anti glare ones always make the screen look cloudy to me.

I did cut one of these and put it on my Cingular 8125 though, since I usually carry that in my pocket, and that seems to be the most likely place for scratches to occur. Don't much like how the screen looks now though....
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Old 03-31-2006, 02:43 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 24

I stopped using screen protectors because every one I've tried over the years either had too much drag, reduced the display quality, or bubbled too much.

I use PLEDGE instead. A little squirt on a cotton ball. Gentle application across the screen. Light buffing with a soft cloth. The main thing Pledge does is reduce drag. Drag is friction. Friction makes marks.
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Old 04-07-2006, 03:52 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 86

I just switched screen protectors on my Samsung i730 from a boxwave antiglare to crystal. Since I didn't put the original screen protector on, I never realized how nice this screen is. But after I applied the Crystal, I can fully appreciate the quality of the Samsung i730's screen.

BTW, a full roundup of many screen protectors is coming this weekend. I'll finish the article and post it up.
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