03-20-2006, 04:45 PM
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Microsoft's Plans For Handheld Game Player And "iPod Killer"
"In a bid to capture the huge audience for handheld entertainment gadgets, Microsoft is designing a product that combines video games, music and video in one handheld device, according to sources familiar with the project. The Microsoft product would compete with Sony, Nintendo and Apple Computer's products, including the iPod. And Microsoft has some of its most seasoned talent from the division that created its popular Xbox 360 working on it...The game press has dubbed it an "iPod killer,'' but its functions would likely more closely resemble Sony's PlayStation Portable multimedia gaming device."
We speculated on the subject about six weeks ago, and more rumors are leaking out. The article also points out that the Pocket PC and Portable Media Centers have "failed in competition" with the iPod. I'm not sure about the Pocket PC -- Microsoft has indeed not given it a fighting chance with broken version after broken version of WMP -- but it wasn't really pushed as an iPod competitor. Portable Media Centers, on the other hand, are another matter entirely. I wasn't impressed with them when I first saw them, and I'm still not impressed with the latest offerings. If Microsoft is to have any success where the Portable Media Center, Gizmondo, and others have failed, they're going to have to do something radically different. And, does the Xbox name/team automatically translate over to handheld success? Call me skeptical. I'd love to be wrong, but I think MS has a lot of work cut out for it.
(And yes, it's a slow news day... err, week. Sorry for the minimal coverage the last 24 hours.)
03-20-2006, 05:31 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 372
Microsoft's noble but failing cause is the fact that they want to control the hardware standards, but not get mired down in hardware. The problem is when you have 6 different hardware makers calling their device the same thing, customers get confused. On the other hand with Apple they control the hardware so people can go in to the store, ask for an iPod, and get an iPod. You go to the store and ask for a Windows Portable Media Player, you are going to get several different offerings from several different makers...that all look a little different. People sadly want simplicity. Though a WPMP might be technically superior, try explaining that to an iPod user.
If Microsoft does try to get into the hardware business again, they need to go full frontal assault and not open the hardware specs to others. Just sell the hardware under the MS name and live with everyone calling you a monopoly. Funny how Apple never gets called that over their control of the iPod. It is a double standard for sure, MS has painfully left WMP open to 3rd parties, while Apple must do no such thing. Napster within itunes? Unthinkable.
03-20-2006, 05:42 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 61
I was sent this link this past week for a parody on what MS would do with their "IPOD-Killer" from a marketing standpoint. This flash aminmation is really on target with MS's past history. The only thing they have going at times is the 800lb gorilla ability to outlast and saturate the market as well as Steve Job's historical ability to somehow botch an opportunity to set the standard and keep the marketshare.
Anyway...hope you enjoy this flash as much as I did. Love the music!
03-20-2006, 06:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 805
IMO, Microsoft should spruce up the WMP in pocket pcs instead of making an announcement that hurts the pocket pc(and smartphone) users. They should give full support to the manufactures.
for eg: instead of bringing hard disks(!) to pocket pcs, they introduced PMCs in front of us(now carry more devices)
Sunny :devilboy:
03-20-2006, 06:32 PM
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Posts: 1,202
It seems to me MS already has this new product - it's called Windows Mobile. If MS would quit neutering the included applications and partner with a creative vendor, such as Tapwave WM could easily be this ultimate device they think is an iPod killer.
Many of us have been asking for:
a) WM device with 40 - 60 GB built in storage (like the iPod)
b) WM device built for gaming like the POS tapwave
c) WM device with easy to use built in mobile media experience (MS seems to worried about DRM issues to actually deliver here).
The problem is that almost all of MS's WM vendors are Beige Box PC manufacturers who are unable to think outside the box and truly capitalize on the core OS and offer something unique and different. All a manufacturer needs to do is quite trying to make a PDA and make this device. Sure it can include the Office and email apps, but the device does not need to be centered around those items. HP's lame attempt at "media centric devices" a couple years ago doesn't count because they failed to deliver on both he hardware and software fronts.
03-20-2006, 08:05 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 93
I want a Tapwave Zodiac that Runs Windows Mobile, has GPS, and roomy storage capacity, then i'll be happy and willing to unconverge.
03-20-2006, 08:57 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 301
Microsoft seems absolutely unable to wrap their minds around the fact that until they bring a navigation interface to the party that even begins to rival the iPod ClickWheel, they are completely wasting their time.
I've used WMP on my PPC, and I've used a Rio Carbon (a "Plays for Sure" Janus DRM device) and ultimately switched to my current iPod Nano. The "one-handed" navigation on the iPod is OVERWHELIMINGLY superior to the two-handed "tap with your stylus like an spastic woodpecker" on the PPC, or the crummy "click and hold for auto-repeat" list navigation on the Janus players.
If PPC enthusiasts like me, who have complete familiarity with the PPC, actually find it is better to buy a Nano to carry everywhere IN ADDITION TO their PPC, that only screams how awful the WM interface is on the PPC.
How Microsoft can delude itself into thinking that if they introduce some new hardware than that will be sucessful escapes me. Their interface is horrible, it's horrible on the PPC, it's horrible on the SmartPhone series, its horrible on their third-party Janus devices.
They ought to introduce a "IntelliWheel" navigation interface TODAY that does the same thing the ClickWheel does and just go to court over this and be done with it. Apple (no matter what Steve Jobs wants to believe) did NOT INVENT THE WHEEL and "scrolling/circular navigation" has been around since long before the iPod. Apple's done a masterful job of cowing everyone into "steering clear" of implementing the one and only obvious navigation method. It makes sense that little OEM's would be afraid to take Apple on, but Microsoft ought to put them in their place.
Apple is like Henry Ford bringing out the Model T and claiming that all other car companies should now be legally barred from using wheels in their designs! So Ford sells Model T's very sucessfully and General Motors (Microsoft) sits around trying to figure out how to convince people that their car with square wheels is just as good! When that doesn't sell, they try another car with tank treads instead of wheels. Then they try discounting the square-wheeled car. Then they try licensing their square-wheel car design to third parties. When will they wake up and realize a car HAS to have WHEELS to be practical?!? Even more, why can't they grasp that even though the Ford Model T did beat them to the market, and it does indeed use "wheels" in the first commercial automobile, it is by no means the "first use" of the concept and Ford can't keep other companies from using the wheel in their cars?
03-20-2006, 10:21 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
Why does MS not just concentrate on what it has? Why must it have like a dozen different mobile platforms? Origami, Pocket PC, SmartPhone, Automotive CE, SPOT, PlaysForSure Portable Video and Audio devices, XP Embedded, WCE Core and so on. I understand the idea of specializing in different markets, but frankly a lot of these overlap a lot and just make it harder for the consumer to know what to get.
03-20-2006, 11:08 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 351
get an POCKET PC....
does the ipod thing ....
Winxp version of pocket pc
or regular version
03-21-2006, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 899
Hmm, is the photo of the handheld video gaming device in the Endgadget article supposed to be the actual MS product in development??
How does the iPod and PSP compare anyways, in userbase, overall revenue/profit volume, etc?
I read that in October the PSP will have GPS and digicam (with video/voice over IP) add-ons. Sony will also release an emulator for the PSP to play classic PlayStation games -- games which they will offer (sell?) for downloads. Possibly in an updated firmware that will also support Macromedia Flash and RSS feeds. Though another rumor involves Sony making a whole new version of the PSP with more built-in memory (to support the emulator)?
I also read the ThinkSecret rumor that Apple will announce later this month or early next month a new "true" video iPod with a bigger 4" screen (and virtual ClickWheel) in the same formfactor, along with deals to sell full-length movie downloads (or possibly a subscription).
Exciting times...