01-06-2006, 12:30 PM
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Your Must Have Application
It's fairly common on Pocket PC forums to find new users asking what applications are considered "must haves" for their new devices. Inevitably, a few people post long lists of their personal favorites and a few others write up semi-nasty notes saying "Use the search feature" or something else about how repetitive such threads are. I've often posted replies to such threads, and am always amused by how much overlap some lists have and how a few people have truly unique applications as their must have - dependent on their occupation. So my question this morning is this: What is your must have application. No more than 1 application per customer here - if you could only have 1 third-party app on your machine, what would it be and why? Feel free to elaborate on 1 or 2 "second must-have" options if your decision was close, but in the end, you must pick Number 1.
As for me? Well, I'll be happy to tell you my number 1 pick if you care to read on
My number 1 application has been, ever since I started in this platform, eWallet by Ilium Software. There are other programs that do the same job out there (Flexwallet & CodeWallet being the other two popular apps), however I've gotten very used to eWallet since starting with it in 2003. So why is this software essential and my number 1? Let's add up all the factors:
- My entire life is in my eWallet file. Current & past credit card numbers, bank info, registration codes, etc... all nicely encrypted
- It syncs to my desktop, and allows me to create secure passwords for sensitive websites without fear of forgetting them (It's a beautiful thing to create a 20 character password without fear)
- All my data is in 1 honest-to-goodness file. Maybe I'm old-fashion, but it's nice to have a file that you can back up without fearing that maybe some of your data was in a database or split up over multiple files. With eWallet (And it's competitors) you have peace of mind backup. As a plus, the files can be compacted - my eWallet file with literally hundreds of records takes up less than 500K
- Finally, it can export to plain text all of my info. I keep a plain-text printout of my passwords in a secure location (i.e. fireproof) that I update yearly. This process used to take quite awhile, now it's a simple click
So there's my number 1 must-have, now it's your turn to share. Remember, pick 1!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

01-06-2006, 01:00 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 35
My must have application is Inbox for email. MY desire would be a version of Inbox that could do IMAP4, newsgroup feeds and RSS feeds in different folders. I understand that q mail might be able to do this but I have not tried it. The perfect application would be the integration of WiBis email and Queensoft Newsreader but until tem I just have Inbox.

01-06-2006, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2
No Question
Pocket Controller by SOTI.
With it, you will get visible access to your PPC throught your computer!
Can't live without it anymore!!!

01-06-2006, 01:04 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 165
Jon, now that you mention eWallet, I must say this is probably the most important program I have, just behind Pocket Informant. However, Cash Organizer is not far behind either. As far as games go, I have been playing Handmark's Yahtzee practically every day for as long as I can remember. My high score is around 620 (anybody ever beat that?).
But you left off one other important thing eWallet can do: when you click on a URL in eWallet, it brings up your browser window and fills in your login and password on the web page, so all you have to is hit Submit and you're in.

01-06-2006, 01:18 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 813
I don't want anything over fussy or hard to configure, I want to see what appointments/events I have upcoming right there on my today screen in the simplest form. Once I replace my h4150 as my main device with a new WM5 device however I will need to find a replacement since tAgenda is not supported under WM5. 
When that happens my must have app will be apMemo which is my second most used app. Simple and quick visual notes and reminders done so effectively. Great little app.
These are purely based on my most used. Other must haves are the likes of eWallet and List Pro to name a couple from many.
Check out my Windows Mobile Ramble Blog

01-06-2006, 01:20 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Posts: 8,228
I would have to agree on eWallet. It is not an app I use daily, but if push came to shove and you were going to delete everything but one app and one data file on my device, I'd want eWallet and my 6 year old+ data file preserved.

01-06-2006, 01:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 229
I have several, which have been mentioned further up, but if I have to pick just one, then it has to be Cash Organizer!

01-06-2006, 01:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 32
My #1 would be Olivetree's BibleReader. I use lots of 3rd party software, but carrying the Bible and associated reference databases was one of the primary reasons that got me into PDAs in the first place. If I really had to, I could live with the built-ins for everything else--but I wouldn't want to do that.
Just so that you know I'm serious, I have 150MB of Bibles and references under BibleReader on my SD card! These include 9 English Bible translations, 4 original language (Greek and Hebrew) Bibles w/associated references, 4 major commentaries, 14 Bible dictionaries including original language ones, 1 cross-reference, and a bunch of other reference works. BibleReader allows me to create a custom work environment that suits me, plus all references work on both PPC and Palm platforms and the reader itself is free for both.
Tanker Bob
Tanker Bob's PDA Page
Reviewer at MobileTechReview

01-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 93
I will not hesitate to say eReader. It is the primary reason I carry the Pocket PC around all the time. If it was not for eReader and all the books I get from them I would never read as much as I do. This one program and the contents it displays effect me more than any other program I have on the Pocket PC.

01-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
I used to be hugely dependent on FlexWallet, but not anymore. These days, most of my passwords and numbers are stored in my head (surprisingly 8O), though I will still use FlexWallet as a backup if I ever need it.
Now, Microsoft Voice Command is my must-have application. On most days, I'll be in the car for a couple of hours. Retrieval of PIM data and dialing over voice is almost essential, so Voice Command essentially gets used more than any other application I have installed on my device. Around the house, I'm usually too lazy to open up Contacts to dig up the number of a person. Instead, I'll tap the Voice Command button, and say <Call John Smith on Mobile>. Bang, it's done. Simple!
Why I've chosen Voice Command over other voice-recognition applications is two-fold: (1) Zero training required. Voice Command works right out of the box. (2) It integrates well with Windows Mobile's default applications.