12-18-2005, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Xbox 360 Reaches Out to Mobile Devices
In an interview with BBC News, Jason Langridge talks about Microsoft's goal to bring the Xbox 360 and mobile devices closer together.
"Gamers could soon be able to receive alerts on their mobile phones when their friends are playing on Microsoft's Xbox 360 games console. The software giant is working on a system which would let players on its online gaming service, Xbox Live, send instant messages to a friend's mobile. Microsoft UK mobility business manager Jason Langridge told the BBC the system should be live within six months. It is part of Microsoft's strategy to connect its various online services... "So on my device I sign in with my MSN account and it sets up Hotmail," explained Mr Langridge. "There is no service fee and you can do MSN messaging chats." The alerts would be sent over the internet via Xbox Live and come to a mobile over the air as an instant message. "It just pops up saying 'Dinky Dave wants to play Project Gotham Racing' with you," said Mr Langridge."
At the end of the day, Microsoft hopes to bring its various online services together under one roof. I guess you could say that this is just one of the many projects that is going to make it happen.
12-19-2005, 12:42 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 177
maybe that's a good thing for non-US users, but in the US where M$ didn't see fit to allocate sufficient XBox 360s to satisfy the demand they created during the last 3 years, its a non-issue, especially since they apparently do not intend to ship more in the US until the Spring 2006. Offering these new features when its impossible to get an XBox in the US unless you're willing to spend $1200+ on ebay, is tantamount to vaporware.
(No, I wasn't able to get an XBox 360 and I'm bitter about it...)
12-19-2005, 02:51 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Didn't the States receive another 300,000 this week? Did you miss out again?
Regardless, I won't be receiving mine until March (actual Asia-Pacific release date), so I certainly know how it feels to be waiting in the dark.
12-19-2005, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
Make that two of us bitter. What's the point of touting the 360's ability if I can't get one here? I mean yeah, the games aren't all that great right now, but it would be wonderful to save on heating costs and combine my DVD player and xbox into one + play Halo 2 at a higher res.
Ah...the joy of tech.
12-19-2005, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 899
I didn't pre-order one, nor even tried to get one during launch day, since my attitude back then was wait-and-see. And now that the holiday fever (um, Chritmas Spirit) has taken hold, it's impossible to get it.
My friend told me last week saying he heard Target/Walmart had new shipments. I'd checked a local Walmart and they said they had a few last Monday but it had sold out right away.
The girl at an EB Games store said she heard the local Best Buy was getting some last Sunday. So we drove there 3 am before the store opening (this was during freezing and raining weather mind you), but the parking lot was already full and people were camping by the side of the store and had fire in trashcans going 8O
I asked the group of guys at the end of the line and they said they'd been there since 8pm the night before, and that Best Buy had actually taken a waiting list around 11pm for all 24 units they will get! And that it's supposedly the same story for all the Best Buy around town. So we left and bought some ice cream for comfort food...
-- Frustrated in TX
P.S. A good friend of mine said his sister had somehow ended up with two units though, and that I can get the extra one
12-19-2005, 09:08 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 177
Originally Posted by beq
-- Frustrated in TX
P.S. A good friend of mine said his sister had somehow ended up with two units though, and that I can get the extra one
I checked CompUSA & CircuitCity, but their sites still show no stock. I guess M$ no longer considers the US market strategic; I do hope they're pleased with the reception of the XBox 360 in Japan this past weekend. :wink:
TOKYO--In the United States, Microsoft's Xbox 360 video game console has been so popular, it is hard to keep on store shelves.
But in Tokyo's neon-drenched Akihabara neighborhood, known as Electronics Town, there are plenty of the sleek white machines to go around, if you can find takers.
At Yodobashi Camera, an eight-story electronics department store selling everything from hair curlers to home computer servers, a small corner display of Xbox 360s draws little attention from passing shoppers.