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Old 11-11-2005, 03:00 PM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Default SiteMaster 2: Speed Up AutoCAD-compatible Drawings

"New SiteMaster release dramatically improves production of field to finish AutoCAD�-compatible floor plans, areas, inspections and presentation drawings for building information and management professionals using any Windows mobile computing devices. PowerCAD� SiteMaster� 2, the second generation of the fastest, easiest and most powerful automated software system which lets anyone create professional, AutoCAD�-compatible floor plans, inspection drawings and area calculations at "the speed of light" - anytime and anywhere using a handheld laser and any Windows� desktop or mobile computer."

Well, it's not exactly the kind of product you'll pick up a trial for on Handango and purchase a registration code for, but it still looks pretty awesome. For $999 you get a fairly complete automated system allowing you to draw up floor plans and other needed information. Looks like a "architects, appraisers, contractors, estimators, facility managers, inspectors, owners, planners and real estate agents" best friend!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

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Old 11-11-2005, 05:15 PM
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Well, I think we can eliminate "appraisers and real estate agents" from that list in a hurry. The cost is way to high for them. We have a much more suitable product for that class of user, and I am the one that developed the DISTO� Plus (the device shown)- specifically for the appraisal, inspector and general real estate agent market. I sent the first public release info on that device to Jason as a "scoop" about a year and a half ago - the first day it was public. Our software runs between $99 and $149, and while it is not as sophisticated as GMP's re-branding of the Felix engine, it is more targeted for the real estate market. Currently, we enjoy an approximate 90% market share nationally in the real estate appraisal field and about 40% of the county jurisdictions in the country. Our closest competitor there is about 4%. I say this not to brag, but as a measure of credibility. Another thing not mentioned is that the DISTO� Plus shown sells for $699 - though we, and others, sell it everyday for $649. More on our mobile and desktop products can be seen at: If anyone has questions about how the device works, the interface (we wrote it), etc., feel free to ask and I am glad to help. This is one topic that I am more than casually familiar with - LOL. Sorry, I cannot discuss the device coming out to replace the DISTO� Plus, though.
-Randall Garrett-
Apex Software
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Old 11-11-2005, 10:30 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
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PowerCad is the only Pocket PC/Windows Mobile software that I've seen advertised on a billboard.

Edit: Post #4000!
iPhone 4! ☠☠☠ Mid-2010 15" MacBook Pro! ☠☠☠ Gateway LT2102h! ☠☠☠ Dell XPS M1210!
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