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Old 10-05-2005, 04:00 PM
Jonathon Watkins
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Default Are Palm Planning a Treo Running Symbian?

"This all feels a little dubious. . . . that Palm engineers have built a prototype of a Treo running on Symbian. Certainly makes sense that Palm�s engineers would build a few to see if it could be done, but will a Treo running on Symbian ever see the light of day? . . . .[T]he problem is that the Symbian Treo isn�t as good as the Windows Mobile version because Nokia is holding onto some �core Symbian code� which apparently is needed to make the phone work better."

I think it's best to firmly file this flight of fancy under 'rumour' for now. Choice is good, but having the same mobile hardware device running three different OS's? It's taken Palm a while to change their ways, but this plethora of potential OS options is getting silly. Do you guys think there is even a slim possibility of having a Symbian Treo to add to the Palm and WM powered devices?
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Old 10-05-2005, 04:18 PM
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Default Re: Are Palm Planning a Treo Running Symbian?

Originally Posted by Jonathon Watkins
[T]he problem is that the Symbian Treo isn�t as good as the Windows Mobile version because Nokia is holding onto some �core Symbian code� which apparently is needed to make the phone work better."
Well, I don't know much about Symbian, but I don't think Nokia should be THAT silly. They should have learnt from the history of Apple/Palm. (That is, not allowing everyone produce Symbian-based phones will most probably leave to the same fate as that of Palm.)

I may look around in the Finnish press some day on this question.
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Old 10-05-2005, 04:27 PM
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In theory it makes sense: Palm is a hardware company, and as such, has the goal to sell as many devices as possible. So if I would have to put my money on it, I'd say yes: it's possible that Palm is investigating putting Symbian on the Treo.
However, that doesn't mean I we'll ever see one on the shelves, there are many things that could put Palm off; e.g. if the statement that 'Nokia is holding onto some "core Symbian code" ' is true, I could see Palm backing out if it were to jeopardise the whole user experience. Because that is what the Treo is all about: awesome usability.

Personally, as a 650 owner, I would love to see UIQ on the Treo, more so than WM (no offense to the people here).
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Old 10-05-2005, 04:35 PM
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I have never seen Symbian as a powerful platform.. maybe I am wrong, but the OS seems to do well in an applience setting, like inexpensive and dumb down versions of smartphones. I can't see this being an OS that will work on a Treo, at least not in it's current market settings.. Now if they made a "cheap" Treo with the Symbian OS for maybe like 200 bucks... perhaps that would work and it wouldn't be for the OS.. but because of the Brand name of the Treo.. but that's it.
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Old 10-05-2005, 04:37 PM
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No way!! Palm is already splitting a rather small engineering team in half in order to develop for both the WM and Palm OS. They would just not be able to handle adding another OS into the mix.

Besides, there would not appear to be a reason to do this. Palm wanted to be able to reach deeper into the enterprise using WM. What would they gain from adding Symbian??
Darren Humphries
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Old 10-05-2005, 04:47 PM
Phillip Dyson
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Ed was asked this question at the last press conference. And while corporate denials don't mean much, his denial made sense.

Palm should absolutely make sure that they are not painted into a corner with any OS company, but that also doesn't mean that they're going to run with the flavor of the month.

Palm has cast their lot with Windows Mobile but their still packing their reserve chute with PalmOS.

Symbian is merely the poisoned pill if they're ever captured.

I think my post might explode if I try to fit anymore analogies in it. :wink:

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Old 10-05-2005, 05:17 PM
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I hate to be brutally picky but it is bugging me everytime I read the title of this thread. It should be "Is Palm" not "Are Palm".

I know, picky. :roll:
Darren Humphries
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Old 10-05-2005, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Dazz
I hate to be brutally picky but it is bugging me everytime I read the title of this thread. It should be "Is Palm" not "Are Palm".

I know, picky. :roll:
I think this may have been raised in a 'weekend' item a few months back. In The UK people tend to think of companies as the sum of their employees and therefore refer to them in the plural (hence 'are' Palm) whereas in the US companies are regarded, and referred to, as single entities (hence 'is' Palm). I'm English: I acknowledge the logical correctness of the US position, but I will probably always stick to the English usage.
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Old 10-05-2005, 05:30 PM
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Really? I had no idea that was the case.

It's just one of those hang-ups I have. There are a few things that irritate me that I see written too often. I�m not even close to being perfect with spelling or grammar but it seems there are a few basics that are consistently gaffed.

It�s okay. I�ll live. :wink:
Darren Humphries
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Old 10-05-2005, 06:06 PM
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Symbian smartphones alawys seem to run under lower power CPUs.. I wonder if it WERE to be made, if they would jump to an xscale or Aalchemy platform. IT certainly would take the OS to another level speed wise.

THe palm treo in itself is a nice hardware playform and form factor. I think versions running all major smartphone OS's would only be a good thing.

WinMo, Linux (midori?), Symbian 9, Palm OS, which a future release would be based on Linux/Java... so, why not. Many manufactures have differnt kinds of phones running differennt OSs, but they always seem a bit different.. so why not the same form factor with a different OS.. oR, a choice of loadablre OSs.

I always said, I love my treo (600) would be cool with Windows.. and now its here.

I always like my S60 Nokia 3650 also.. though it would have been nice with a keyboard and touch screen capabilities. So why noy a S90 treo? or As they said, Symbian 9?

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