10-03-2005, 01:00 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Qtek 9000 and 9100 Pictures
"Here's some hot news from the boys at NewMobile.nl. They've got some photos of the Qtek 8300, 8310, 9000 and the 9100. The Qtek 9000 is the HTC Universal - coming soon from on several networks. However the one I'm really keen on is the Qtek 9100, which should be out as the Orange SPV M600 / M3000 amongst other names. Although all of these handsets are fantastic, I'm keeping my eye on the Qtek 9100 - which has the form factor (small enough to use as a "normal phone" but still a Pocket PC Phone) and the sideways-slide-out keyboard. This could be one hot-selling handset."

NewMobile.nl has a wealthy collection of Qtek 9000 (HTC Universal) and 9100 (HTC Wizard) pictures that are worth checking out. Be warned: once you work your way through the entire gallery, you'll feel pressured into buying one...or two.

10-03-2005, 03:44 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 20
The links don't seem to the pictures on the Dutch site don't seem to be working.

10-03-2005, 05:54 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 196
Ooooh, the 9100 is a sleek looking device. Looks to be about the same size (closed) as my Treo 650, nice. One handed operation looks to be pretty simple in the closed mode, but I wonder if it's very one-handable with the keyboard slid out?
Who is going to have this in the US? Anyone know?

10-03-2005, 07:04 AM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 43
I kind of wish my Apache device looked that cool. It seems to be almost an identical form factor (minus the antenna)... but it's a sleeker case.
Oh well, I still much prefer Sprint and CDMA/EVDO to the GSM offerings.
In pocket:* Sprint PPC-6700In car:** iPaq hx4700

10-03-2005, 07:35 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 524
Originally Posted by seaflipper
One handed operation looks to be pretty simple in the closed mode, but I wonder if it's very one-handable with the keyboard slid out?
I'd be surprised if anyone was dexterous enough to be able to hold and operate the 9100 in open keyboard mode with only one hand. I'm not sure why anyone would want to try - too much risk of fumbling and dropping it - unless you are lucky enough to have 10 fingers on one hand!
iPhone 4 32GB Jailbroken and iPad 3G 64GB .

10-03-2005, 11:11 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,520
Now I know why the Universal seems so familiar.
It reminds me of my old Psion Revo!
Phone: Nexus one Backup Phone: AT&T Samsung Jack; Future Phone: I'm Watching WP7; Media Player: Platinum Zune HD 32GB; Home Server: HP MediaSmart Server LX195 Console: XBox 360, PS3, Wii

10-03-2005, 11:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 221
The 9100 is right at the top of my shopping list, and when my existing phone contract ends next month, it'll be mine! :mrgreen:
The Universal just fails in too many areas for me as a main PPC, and is too big to be a phone first. Ah well.

10-03-2005, 12:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 150
Originally Posted by sojourner753
Now I know why the Universal seems so familiar.
It reminds me of my old Psion Revo!
Now that was a form factor, eh? If only the screen wasn't b&w and unlighted, the battery issue didn't cause the device to malfunction, and the OS wasn't psion...would have been a dream machine!
I just dropped the cash on a Universal. I couldn't wait. I hope it is worth it.

10-03-2005, 03:37 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Originally Posted by seaflipper
Ooooh, the 9100 is a sleek looking device. Looks to be about the same size (closed) as my Treo 650, nice. One handed operation looks to be pretty simple in the closed mode, but I wonder if it's very one-handable with the keyboard slid out?
Who is going to have this in the US? Anyone know?
There is a thread at Howard Forums posted by palmsolo where he talks a bit about onehanded operation. He is a Treo user at the moment and is comparing the Wizard he has to the Treo, particularly in onehanded operation. Check the thread out, it may help you. Also he is going to be posting a review of the Wizard on Geek.com in the next day or two. That I'm sure will be very helpful.
Where to buy the Wizard in North America?

10-03-2005, 03:48 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
Originally Posted by Pdaholic
Originally Posted by sojourner753
Now I know why the Universal seems so familiar.
It reminds me of my old Psion Revo!
Now that was a form factor, eh?
Darn right. I have my old one here right in front of me - it went right round the works with me in 1999. A great machine in it's day. I too hope that the Universal lives up to be as good as the Revo was in it's day.