09-13-2005, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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WebIS Toolbox 3.0 Released
"Toolbox is a handy collection of utilities designed to improve your Pocket PC 2003/2003SE experience. With Toolbox, you can present your Personal Information Manager content in a more friendly, customized way, and manage the debris that ActiveSync and other sync tools accidentally create! Toolbox 3.0 provides an interface anyone can use with colorful descriptive icons and easy to use wizard like screens."

WebIS Toolbox does everything from removing duplicate contacts and backing up your PIM data to automatically correcting time zone information. It is compatible with all Windows Mobile 2003 / 2003 Second Edition devices and can be purchased from Handango for $24.95. A trial version is available from WebIS. [Affiliate]

09-13-2005, 05:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,162
On WebIS and Handango the price appears to be listed as $19.95 not $24.95.

09-13-2005, 05:43 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,389
I've not had good experience with webis products. I use SK Tools. It does so much more. Though i'll admit probably not as user friendly.

09-13-2005, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
Jason Lee, I'm sorry to hear you haven't had good experience with our stuff. I admit that its impossible to have a perfect reputation with every single possible configuration that a customer may have, but we try to make sure that any issues our customers report to us are taken care of.
I'd like to take a discussion with you offline to see what exactly you had a problem with us on. Its just not a comment I hear very often, our survey of a thousand customers show only about 3% had a bad experience and frankly when you get to a certain size of a company there are so many voices that one just can't hear them all. So it is possible if you had said something to us before we missed it and I'd certainly like to know what went wrong so we can see how to improve that. Feel free to PM me or such - I'd really like to hear it.

09-13-2005, 05:59 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 307
Originally Posted by Jason Lee
I've not had good experience with webis products. I use SK Tools. It does so much more. Though i'll admit probably not as user friendly.
I think this has some things s-k doesn't. s-k of course has much more generally, but this is just pim oriented. however, to my mind, it's vastly overpriced for what it is. they're probably trading in on their good name with pocketinformant and others.

09-13-2005, 06:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
Also, from what I can tell, SKTools is more of a Pocket PC utility app with very basic PIM utilities while WebIS Toolbox focuses on PIM utilities. Our contact duplicate remover doesn't just keep/delete like SKTools. It also merges. We've also got utilities that no other app has.
The two just aren't competitors except in very narrow cases.

09-13-2005, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
Originally Posted by Marcel_Proust
Originally Posted by Jason Lee
I've not had good experience with webis products. I use SK Tools. It does so much more. Though i'll admit probably not as user friendly.
I think this has some things s-k doesn't. s-k of course has much more generally, but this is just pim oriented. however, to my mind, it's vastly overpriced for what it is. they're probably trading in on their good name with pocketinformant and others.
What do you consider fair pricing for a bunch of utilities? Fair pricing is what pays for its development and then some.
I pay $30 for a desktop duplicates remover app. That's all it does. $10 less for a Pocket PC app that does that and a whole lot more. I pay $30 for an app that just does backups and so on. Yes, each of our functions are simple - but that's the point. We don't want them to be so complex that nobody can use it. They are all very useful and powerful features that people have been asking about for years, but to put them in Pocket Informant would just be bloat.
So frankly, I think its underpriced when I look at all the utilities out there on the market, but then most Pocket PC apps are just because the mindset is that its on a mobile device so its got to be cheaper than desktop apps, yet the development cost is the same as on the desktop and the market is smaller. I don't begrudge that at all, but its not like we're making a large or even small profit on most mobile apps yet and it does slightly bother me when people shortchange the effort put into these things.

09-13-2005, 06:22 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 53
what about wm5.o and vga compatability...i think all apps released from now on should be wm5.0 compatible

09-13-2005, 06:27 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 307
Originally Posted by alex_kac
Originally Posted by Marcel_Proust
Originally Posted by Jason Lee
I've not had good experience with webis products. I use SK Tools. It does so much more. Though i'll admit probably not as user friendly.
I think this has some things s-k doesn't. s-k of course has much more generally, but this is just pim oriented. however, to my mind, it's vastly overpriced for what it is. they're probably trading in on their good name with pocketinformant and others.
What do you consider fair pricing for a bunch of utilities? Fair pricing is what pays for its development and then some.
I pay $30 for a desktop duplicates remover app. That's all it does. $10 less for a Pocket PC app that does that and a whole lot more. I pay $30 for an app that just does backups and so on. Yes, each of our functions are simple - but that's the point. We don't want them to be so complex that nobody can use it. They are all very useful and powerful features that people have been asking about for years, but to put them in Pocket Informant would just be bloat.
So frankly, I think its underpriced when I look at all the utilities out there on the market, but then most Pocket PC apps are just because the mindset is that its on a mobile device so its got to be cheaper than desktop apps, yet the development cost is the same as on the desktop and the market is smaller. I don't begrudge that at all, but its not like we're making a large or even small profit on most mobile apps yet and it does slightly bother me when people shortchange the effort put into these things.
Look, I don't begrudge you the freedom to charge what you want for the programs you develop. Let the market decide.
And I could be completely wrong in my estimation of what the market will decide this program is worth.
I don't think PI or your mail program for instance are at all overpriced. They are very good value. Others may disagree.
This is a much simpler utility program, and I'm comparing it's price to pocket pc programs of similar complexity. I guess it'll depend on what the competition and freeware programers can come up with and what improvements you will code.
For the moment, for me, the price of this program is inflated.
All the best.

09-13-2005, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
And I don't begrudge that opinion at all! I do apologize for going on a bit of a ramble, but I do feel its important to explain our position as well.