09-06-2005, 11:00 PM
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4G - So Fast It'll Blow Your Mind!
"Cellphones capable of transmitting data at blistering speeds have been demonstrated by NTT DoCoMo in Japan. In experiments, prototype phones were used to view 32 high definition video streams, while travelling in an automobile at 20 kilometres per hour. Officials from NTT DoCoMo say the phones could receive data at 100 megabits per second on the move and at up to a gigabit per second while static. At this rate, an entire DVD could be downloaded within a minute. DoCoMo's current 3G (third generation) phone network offers download speeds of 384 kilobits per second and upload speeds of 129 kilobits per second."
It's cruel knowing that while some countries are struggling hard to get 3G off the ground, everybody's technological playground, Japan, has pushed 4G prototypes to roughly 100Mbps on-the-go, and up to 1Gbps in a stationary position. :drool:
09-06-2005, 11:36 PM
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Re: 4G - So Fast It'll Blow Your Mind!
Originally Posted by Darius Wey
It's cruel knowing that while some countries are struggling hard to get 3G off the ground
3G??? Crud, here in Canada we're still struggling with 2G! :twisted: The crank broke on my home phone the other day....
09-06-2005, 11:52 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Before we go off on how slow other countries are to keep up with other countries in the technological playgound, we gotta remember one thing: space.
Japan is tiny. These are facts from the CIA:
Japan: 127 milion people, 377,000 sq km land/water.
U.S.: 296 million, 9,600,000 sq km land/water.
Can't even compare the logistical and cost differences between the two countries.
What I do wonder though is that while the U.S. is so much bigger, the population density and technologically elite reside on the East and West coasts. Why not roll-out these technologies to these areas where it can be economically feasible and profitable?
09-07-2005, 08:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 376
Re: 4G - So Fast It'll Blow Your Mind!
Originally Posted by Paragon
3G??? Crud, here in Canada we're still struggling with 2G! :twisted: The crank broke on my home phone the other day....
Well yea, and that SUCKS... Rogers just lunched EDGE.... Ideally i would want Fido & the Universal to support EDGE :twisted:
09-07-2005, 09:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 221
Just imagine what someone like T Mobile would charge for this sort of access! Mobile data is already more than expensive enough as it is here (UK). Per MB rates of �2-5/MB are still common, with �0.80 being as low as most of them go.
I'm wondering if the severe drop in speed (drops by an order of magnitiude at only 2-3x walking pace) is starting to show hard limits in mobile data transfer? With a theoretical 1 billion bits flying at you per second, perhaps moving at even low speeds is just causing too much distortion oin the waves? I've not got the time or inclination to work out the numbers, but it'd be interesting to see if that is the case.
In that one second, at 20kph, you've moved over 5m causing a contraction/expansion (depending on movement direction) of the recieved waveform by up to that much. Perhaps that's a problem, perhaps not.
09-07-2005, 11:08 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 14
Seems NTT is really pushing hard, we live in Japan and have 100meg (fiber) internet access - unlimited for about Yen4500 a month... However they have just offered to upgrade our network between their exchange and our DSU/NTU to 1G for the same price. We maintain the 100meg access however it seems they have some plans in the pipe line, will be intereting to see whay they offer as 1G is a lot of capacity however this seems to be in line with what DoCoMo is looking at?
09-07-2005, 11:21 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 459
Originally Posted by Kiwi_in_tok
we live in Japan and have 100meg (fiber) internet access ... However they have just offered to upgrade our network between their exchange and our DSU/NTU to 1G
As a serious question, is that actually useful? I'm no expert, but it strikes me that most web servers aren't going to be capable of throwing out data at that speed (network card limitations, internet connection speed, contention etc.) so is there really any point in being able to receive it? I have a (paltry) 1meg connection but I have never yet managed to max it out on a download or a stream.
For mobile stuff the same is true: once I have hit 3G speeds, any increase starts to become irrelevant, particularly with the sort of stuff I am going to want to download or stream to my PPC. Can I tell the difference between 'blindingly fast' and 'instant'? No.
09-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 14
Not really sure what they are going to offer via the 1G, to be honest our current access is more than enough. But their offer is upgrading the NTU/DSU for free and 1 month free if you accept so what do you do. Its so much capacity I am guessing they don't even know what they will do, but I suppose it will be HDTV type of applications. I suppose its just at the other extreme of what the carriers are offering.
09-07-2005, 02:00 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Re: 4G - So Fast It'll Blow Your Mind!
Originally Posted by saru83
Ideally i would want Fido & the Universal to support EDGE :twisted:
I was informed yesterday by a buddy that you can use EDGE with a Fido SIM card. I haven't tried it myself, but he is using it daily.
09-07-2005, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,041
I just spoke to a friend yesterday who works in the mobile wireless industry and specializes in Asia. This is what he had to say:
Japan. People there have an average of $100 cell phone bills, where's here in the United States, there are people who 'pay as you go'. In the U.S., it's much harder to make a profit. People just won't pay for technology. Also, cell phone vendors haven't made their money back from investing in 2.5G technology in the U.S. Any wonder?
I did speak with him about WiMAX and how they are testing it in New York. It's working pretty good except there is a lot of opposition to it. Mainly, carriers don't want it since if it were implemented. Let's say the City of New York had a $20 ISP plan, all people would need to do is get Skype and thats the end of cell phone business for that area. Include DSL and Cable modem as well. It all makes sense.