08-11-2005, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Hitchhiker 0.3 Released
"Hitchhiker helps you to connect your Pocket PC to the wireless Internet. Simply click "Connect" and it will try all nearby public access points. Hitchhiker will handle all settings for you and perform complicated tests to ensure you can connect to the Internet in no time."
Hitchhiker, the minimal-fuss wireless network manager, has just been updated to v0.3. It's packed with a host of new features and bug updates. Read on for the list of changes.
� Fixed problem with HP iPAQ hx2755 and HP iPAQ hx4700 (reported by beta testers) � Fixed bug in looping the available network list (no longer try only first network) � Support both WEP and WPA-PSK encryption � Added "Allowed Network List", only those listed in the list will be connected � Added "Set IP Address" function with "IP Fastlane" intelligent input � Added WLAN power control. Hitchhiker will now turn on and off WLAN automatically � Customized sound effect to alert you when you are connected or not � Added "Start Skype for Pocket PC" to Quick Launch box � More verbose message on different Internet tests � DNS test prolonged from 8 seconds to 12 seconds for better accuracy with less responsive DNS servers � Added warning message when running with .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP2 or lower � Auto login MSN Messenger if enabled (emulating behavior as if connected with GPRS) � Keep backlight on when Connect button is pressed � Added "Ignore by Network" to ignore access points with specified network name � Increased readability with VGA device � Configuration files now in indented XML format � History files now moved to "\My Documents\Hitchhiker\History" � Added red warning message when connected to public network � Quick Launch box animation disabled when using Pocket PC with clock speed lower than 390MHz
Hitchhiker 0.3 is a free download - compatible with all Wi-Fi enabled Windows Mobile 2003 devices.
08-11-2005, 05:26 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 47
The links take you to a page with version 0.2, not 0.3.
08-11-2005, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 533
Can someone clarify.....is the "set IP function" a feature that remebers whether a particular WLAN has DHCP or static addresses, and if static which address/gateway/DNS to use? If so, that's great as that is one feature missing from a lot of WLAN utilities (including Socket's excellent one).
08-11-2005, 05:42 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 18
Tried 0.3. Had to install .net cf sp3 first since I only had sp1, which kind of sucked.
I have an ipaq 4355. Hitchhiker lists a bunch of duplicates (up to about 10 or so) of the actual network I'd like to connect to. It continuously loops through displaying "associating", "failed" on most of them. On one it seems to loop through with "configuring". It never actually connects to any of them. Just doesn't work on my ipaq 4355. Oh well. Thought there might be some improvement over the built-in display of "Configure Wireless Networks". But the built-in one works for me good enough I guess.
08-11-2005, 05:46 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Originally Posted by macattack
The links take you to a page with version 0.2, not 0.3.
Try again. They point to v0.3 for me.
08-11-2005, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 9
Has anyone gotten this program to work with the Dell Axim x30? I installed version 0.2 and it would never connect to a my WEP-enabled router and would lockup/crash and it screwed up my network connections so bad, that I had to do a hard reset to totally get rid of it. I like the idea of the program and want to use it.
08-11-2005, 07:14 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784
I see it supports WPA-PSK but does it support WPA-AES? Which do you guys recommend I use on my home network, AES or PSK?
T-Mobile Dash | HP iPAQ 4100 | HP iPAQ 2210 | HP iPAQ 1910 | Intermec 6651 | Toshiba E570 | Compaq iPAQ 3600 | Casio Pocket Viewer
08-11-2005, 07:52 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 29
i cant seem to find where i download the software. when i click on the hitchhiker link it takes me back to the same page
08-11-2005, 07:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 36
krisdb: We are not a company and only have very limited device in our hand: HP iPAQ h4150, rx3715 and Prism WLAN CF. Therefore, our testing is very limited. Please understand our situation. If Hitchhiker caused any inconveniences to you, please accept our apologize.
T-Will: WPA-PSK in Hitchhiker is encrypted by TKIP (less secure). You can elect to use WPA-PSK (AES) by setting it manually in WM2003 built-in WLAN manager. Hitchhiker will automatically use the key stored in WM2003 for authentication. WPA method (not WPA-PSK) is not supported in this release because we do not have RADIUS infrastructure to test out our code.
martyh1: Hitchhiker recommends (but not require) SP3 because Microsoft do fix a lot of bugs in SP3. Those bugs are related to multi-threading and we are unable to make a workaround for them. I am 60% sure Hitchhiker will crash if it is running on SP1 or lower.
brianchris: Hitchhiker will not guess the IP address for you for two reason: 1) Hitchhiker may classified as hacker tools, 2) it takes 5-15 seconds to change IP and require reconnection. The IP settings form is designed to help you change IP address with as little clicks as possible. We call it "IP Fastlane" input.
I have forget to pack two .WAV files in the setup and just released a revised version. You can easily spot the difference between 0.3 and 0.3 revised version by the File menu. File menu in the revised version contains About screen and will tell you its version is 0.3.4091.
Thanks Darius for the news.
08-11-2005, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Compulim
martyh1: Hitchhiker recommends (but not require) SP3 because Microsoft do fix a lot of bugs in SP3. Those bugs are related to multi-threading and we are unable to make a workaround for them. I am 60% sure Hitchhiker will crash if it is running on SP1 or lower.
Thanks for the info. Wouldn't have considered it much of a problem to install sp3 except that the program doesn't work for me. Now I have sp3 installed for no reason really.