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Old 07-29-2005, 09:00 PM
Janak Parekh
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Default Missing Sync for Windows Mobile Released

At long last, Mark/Space has released a Mac OS Tiger compatible-version of their sync software, and in fact has redone the software significantly since their previous release. Unlike the previous version, the latest software supports both Pocket PCs and Smartphones, Entourage, and does not work through iSync.

I'm playing with this software now. Yes, that means I'm a new Mac owner (a PowerBook G4, to be precise), and this solution appeals to me as I carry both a Smartphone and a Pocket PC along with the PowerBook. I haven't tested the software thoroughly yet, but it does partner with both and sync reasonably fast (although I'm still tracking down a quirk with task sync on my i600). As the screenshot above indicates, the software is fairly minimal -- there's no built-in sync support apart from iCal, Address Book, and Entourage, although it does have a "Mount" feature which seamlessly mounts your Pocket PC in Finder, has a "backup documents feature" which will archive your My Documents folder from the WM device, and has a plug-in API enabling third-parties to write conduits. The software costs $39.95 for a new purchase, but is 50% off for older Missing Sync owners and free for people who bought Missing Sync for Pocket PC since April 1, 2005.
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Old 07-29-2005, 10:59 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 172

This could be my final motivation for switching to Mac. I've been giving it a good bit of thought and one of the few holdbacks has been the complaints I've seen posted (in various forums ) regarding syncing with a WM device. Interestinnly, I was just checking their site out right before dropping in on PPCT - what a coincidence!

I see that it doesn't have built-in support for Notes, but that wouldn't really be a deal-breaker. And, it could be a long while before they have support for WM5 (i.e., ActiveSync 'equivalence'), but I don't consider that a deal breaker, either (since I use TextMaker, no need for improved Pocket Word). So, it's looking like I might be joining the Mac ranks in the not-too-distant future.

Just curious, Janek, are you using OpenOffice or anything else to gain some Office equivalency? Oh, and one very important item for me: can you still sync your Pocket PC to Outlook on another machine? Currently I sync to Outlook on my home and work laptops, and will need to continue to sync to both if I get a Mac for home. Hence, Outlook at work would still have to recognize that I have a partnership established at home as well.

Thanks for the post!
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Old 07-29-2005, 11:24 PM
Janak Parekh
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Originally Posted by bvkeen
This could be my final motivation for switching to Mac. I've been giving it a good bit of thought and one of the few holdbacks has been the complaints I've seen posted (in various forums ) regarding syncing with a WM device. Interestinnly, I was just checking their site out right before dropping in on PPCT - what a coincidence!
Well, PocketMac has been out for some time. It seems to be a bit more featureful (at least the Pro version), but I haven't used it.

Just curious, Janek, are you using OpenOffice or anything else to gain some Office equivalency?
I actually bought Office Mac 2004; that was one of the first programs I installed on the machine. I've set up syncing with Entourage. My first impressions is that Entourage is okay, but it's no Outlook.

Oh, and one very important item for me: can you still sync your Pocket PC to Outlook on another machine? Currently I sync to Outlook on my home and work laptops, and will need to continue to sync to both if I get a Mac for home.
Apparently, the new version of Missing Sync supports this, but I have not tried it -- I'm trying to transition 100% to the Mac. I did install Virtual PC, so I might run the test, but I have a complicated data setup, between my two WM devices, my laptop and the Exchange Server, so I still have to sort out stuff before I can run any experiments.

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Old 07-29-2005, 11:32 PM
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Default Sync to more than 2 machines

Sorry but its only possible to have 2 partnerships - thats a Windows limit. You need special software to sync more than 2 computers (again no-one has a work-around for this on Mac)

I'd hold on the purchase as there is a small issue at this time with sync to Mac and PC at the same time - sync PDA to Mac works great but if you throw in the Windows, syncing issues occur. Mark Space are working on this as I raised this during the beta test (I was a beta tester and have a bug report with them). Note PocketMac also has issues with Mac to PDA and PDA to Windows syncing so?

Baring this issue it works well - better than PocketMac. It does not offer as mainy bells and whistles :roll: but is much faster and more stable than PocketMac
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Old 07-29-2005, 11:34 PM
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Meant to add I've tested it with both iCal, Address Book and Entourage (Office 2004) and it works with all of them
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Old 07-29-2005, 11:50 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 172

Thanks Janak and tdefriez.

Since I would need to sync to home and work (the latter always being Windows, that won't change), I'll have to wait on a fix that allows one of my two partnerships to be a Mac and the other a PC. Good to know they're working on it, though.
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Old 07-30-2005, 12:33 AM
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Originally Posted by bvkeen
Thanks Janak and tdefriez.

Since I would need to sync to home and work (the latter always being Windows, that won't change), I'll have to wait on a fix that allows one of my two partnerships to be a Mac and the other a PC. Good to know they're working on it, though.
I'm also a new Mac user (bought a Mac mini back in April) and have been waiting patiently for this release.

I sync with iCal and Address Book instead of Entourage (can't bring myself to spend $400 for Office for Mac) and the Sync works well once you get it going. One of the oddities is that the initial sync does not offer a Device overwrite Desktop option with iCal and Address Book, although that option is offered for Entourage it seems. To get around this, I blanked out my iCal, backed up my PIM database on my hx2415 and then synchronised the blank iCal and Address Book to my PDA, which gave me a blank PIMs on both devices. I then restored my backed up PIMS on the PDA and did a normal sync and everything sync'd over to my Mac.

I do synchronise to both a Mac and a Windows PC. The first time I did the sync to my Windows box, I got a ton of duplicates, but I used ODR5 to remove them and now I can sync to both my Mac and PC without problems - or so it seems. I'll be keeping an eye on this.

I use NeoOffice/J and Textmaker and just copy the files back and forth with the PDA mounted on the desktop. Peice of cake.

Mark/Space has said in the mailing list that they will be devloping a Notes "conduit" that will sync to a separate notes application like they do in the Palm version of The Missing Sync (which I also own).

All in all, I'm quite pleased with the program and haven't discovered any major flaws yet.

XBox 360 S, 16GB iPhone 4S, iPod Classic 160 GB, Dell Inspiron Mini 1018; Macs: Mac Mini 2.4 GHz 6 GB RAM; Macbook 2.0 GHz 3 GB RAM; MacBook Air 11", 24" Cinema Display
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Old 07-30-2005, 01:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by crimsonsky
I do synchronise to both a Mac and a Windows PC. The first time I did the sync to my Windows box, I got a ton of duplicates, but I used ODR5 to remove them and now I can sync to both my Mac and PC without problems - or so it seems. I'll be keeping an eye on this.
This is great information (including the tip about ODR5, which I had not heard about). Thank you very much!
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Old 07-30-2005, 02:19 AM
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Posts: 354

Curious how long it will take for MarkSpace to support the new PPC's that are coming out? I am getting the HW6515 and of course MarkSpace doesn't list it yet. But PocketMac does support newer devices be creating the necessary profiles (so they say) and will find out soon enough. The Mac Sync software needs to keep up with the devices.
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Old 07-30-2005, 02:54 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,608

Anyway to use a pass through connection via Missing Sync to update Avantgo?
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