06-22-2005, 09:00 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
TomTom Goes Down Under
"TomTom, a leading provider of personal navigation products and services, today announced the Australian launch of its award-winning TomTom GO all-in-one portable car navigation devices, plus the opening of its first Asia Pacific operations in Sydney, Australia. Now Australians can find their way like a local � wherever they are � thanks to TomTom�s Australia wide maps providing door-to-door spoken and on-screen instructions anywhere from Sydney to Melbourne, Hobart to Perth and every address in between � just tap in your destination on the touch-screen and off you go. TomTom is the smart and easy way to get users from A to B, whatever the destination."

It's not entirely Pocket PC related, though Australians may be interested to hear that the well-known navigation company, TomTom, has just gone "down under" with the Australian launch of their TomTom GO all-in-one navigation devices, as well as the opening of a new Asia Pacific office in Sydney. This is just the start of things to come and I'm sure we'll see a wide boom of TomTom products and services being delivered in Australia within the next year or so. The press release, which was listed a week ago, can be found here.

06-22-2005, 09:15 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 185
That's quite a good thing. To date I run with DESTINATOR, but TomTom is far better... the offering here can only get better...

06-22-2005, 11:50 AM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 354
Thats a great move, I'm sure now they have the map coverage (and I assume a localised set of voices too) it's only a matter of time before you'll see a Pocket PC version as GO 5 and Navigator 5 (and indeed TomTom Mobile 5) share the same map/voice format.
I've just recently got the TomTom Navigator 5 update and have been pleased with it so far.

06-22-2005, 05:37 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 65
Expecting delivery of a TomTom Go 300 today...I'm quite excited. Hopefully will come in handy when we move to a new city next week.
Holy cow, even comes with a 1gb SD card when the website specified 128mb...awesome.

06-22-2005, 09:33 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 481
Boy this subject was brought up at just the right time. I just hope this is the right place to ask (as opposed to a different thread).
I was looking at only buying the Navigator 5 software without their Bluetooth GPS device. Does anyone know if I can use the software with a MS pocket streets GPS device (I thinks it's made by pharos). And if it can't, can I use the software alone for the time being without the GPS which I would hope to find under a tree in December :x-mas:
The cash is not available at the moment but the software looks really nice and if it works alone it would fit the bill for the time being.
Any comments or suggestions? At the moment I have a Dell X50V to load it onto.

06-22-2005, 10:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 49
Originally Posted by lapchinj
I was looking at only buying the Navigator 5 software without their Bluetooth GPS device. Does anyone know if I can use the software with a MS pocket streets GPS device (I thinks it's made by pharos).
Any comments or suggestions? At the moment I have a Dell X50V to load it onto.
Jeff, I use TomTom 3 and 2004, Mapopolis and Destinator with both wired and BT GPS receivers (some unknown brand) without any problem.
Without GPS I always open Mapopolis, It's faster, better POI with phone numbers. With GPS I use TomTom 2004, I like their 3D.

06-23-2005, 01:42 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by ddavtian
...Jeff, I use TomTom 3 and 2004, Mapopolis and Destinator with both wired and BT GPS receivers (some unknown brand) without any problem...
That's really interesting to hear. I went over to Mapopolis and the maps look nice but I can't believe that they offer the maps by county. If I buy all of North America I am entitled to download all the the maps I want for the period of a year. But I can't believe that I would have to get them county by county.
I saw that to use Mapopolis Navigator maps I need GPS otherwise I could use their Platinum maps with or without GPS. Price is nice for the Platinum maps but county by county thing is too much (unless I misunderstood something).
I seems that the TomTom software can also be used without GPS and teh maps goes by region. So I can take two regions (NE, SE) throw them on my CF card and I basically got the whole east coast on my Dell.