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Old 06-04-2005, 02:00 PM
Jon Westfall
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Default Treo Reviewed - A Standard to Measure Up To?

"So, is it rightfully the standard? Is this the device that all future convergent devices will have to be compared and measured up to? Yes, I think so. The QWERTY thumb pad is necessary on future convergent devices. I know device manufacturers and engineers are trying to get swift and throw all kinds of gimmick mechanisms that slide, twist and turn a keyboard out for you to use � but the Treo does it right. It is right on the front of the device for easy access and no messing around or risking possible wrist injuries."

Matt Kitchen at Mozongo has posted a review of the Treo 650, asking if it is the device that all others must measure up to. His conclusions lead him to state that it is, however an interesting thought came to me while reading it. Matt seems to place the Treo on top others on the "totem-pole", yet states in the review that he's been using an i-mate JAM as his device since he reviewed it. He doesn't state that after this review he switched to the Treo, so I'm a bit confused: If the Treo is the device all others must compare to, why not ditch the i-mate for the Treo?

In any event, an interesting review on what Matt consider's the Treo's key points. While I disagree with him that it is at the top of convergent devices, take a peek at his review and see what you think. Should PPC manufacturers be adopting treo-esque features?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
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Old 06-04-2005, 02:39 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 429

Last time I looked at cell phones (mostly to kill time at the mall while my wife and her sister did "girly shopping") the guy at the Cingular kiosk showed me his Treo. I was fairly impressed with it, and if a PPC manufacturer were to turn out a comperable model I would be interested. I think if it had an integrated phone it would be very useful. It will render .html pages fairly well, though not in full color. He showed me CNN's web page and told me that he was able to download all of Disney's page. I still wouldn't ditch my Dell x30 for it, but I wouldn't dismiss it either.
Current devices: iPhone 3G. Previous devices: Samsung Epix and 1st gen 32GB iPod Touch BlackJack II, iPaq 6945, iPaq hx4705, Dell Axim x30 high, iPaq 3765.
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Treo Reviewed - A Standard to Measure Up To?

Originally Posted by Jon Westfall
Should PPC manufacturers be adopting treo-esque features?
Wernt there lots of rumors at one point of a Windows Molibe 5.0 Treo???
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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I'm sure there is many things which the Treo does right, such as the keyboard and stylus free navigation. Its seriously lacking in power however, which is where the MDA IV will excel.

On the other hand phone orientated devices really need an emphasis on ease of use and solution-orientated design/UI , and MS has always lagged behind in this area.

Windows Mobile Power User
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 172

Well, I'd agree with the article in that in the current maketplace it is the best smartphone out there.

For ease of use, one-handed opertion (which once you try it you see its value & importance), thumboard, and just overall integration, it is the phone to beat, and tops in my book. (And no, I don't own one currently, I had a 650 briefly until work banned them, so I sold mine.)

Regardless, I'm waiting to see what WM 5.0 brings to the table. If M$ has done a good job on the features listed above, the device diversity on the MS space will only be a boon for us.

So I'm eagerly waiting for WM 5.0 devices to start rolling out and then I can make a decision on my next device.
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:32 PM
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Default he's kinda right

I got my first iPAQ about the time this site started, but my work recently bought us all Treo650s. I really don't like the Palm OS (only one address per contact!) and it crashes more often that Windows ME (esp. using bluetooth), but the form factor and size are absolutely incredible. I though the keyboard would be wasted space and the square screen useless, but now I'm finding the device to be very helpful and productive - and the screen resolution is stunning. They keyboard seems essential for any device that connects to the internet and the Treo keyboard is usable without placing the device on a flat surface.

The only thing that could make it better is if it ran WM 5.0
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Old 06-04-2005, 05:11 PM
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It's probably a good balance between a phone/data focused device, but I'm not sure the Treo should be considered any kind of standard. I'm a big fan of devices w/integrated keyboards but I find the Treo's keyboard to be too small and cramped. Sure, it's useable with one hand (thumb), but speedy text entry is limited by the size. Ditto the screen (too small), ditto the OS (too limited).

Not to say that more = better, but I think once the next wave of Windows Mobile 5 devices (with integrated keyboards) are released the Treo's going to lose a lot of market share.
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Old 06-04-2005, 05:18 PM
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I think the reviewer is correct when he says this is the converged device to measure others against------when it comes to hardware and design. However, the review doesn't really address how the software functions compare to other SmartPhones including the Jam.

I would love to see a Treo like device running WM 5.0, but I'm guessing it's going to be a while - one obstacle to overcome is the square screen. 240 x 240 isn't going to cut it for me.
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Old 06-04-2005, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 118

The one thing no one seems to be picking on. The Antenna... The last phone I bought with an antenna sticking out like that was 5 years ago. Honestly. I would not go back for anything. They have to get rid of that thing.
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:14 PM
Phillip Dyson
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,520

I think the reviewer was really focusing on the form factor and usability when praising the Treo.

I think if you pressed him on why he's still using a pocketpc he would either because the OS is just more powerful.

Of course it could be because he already made the investment and couldn't justify dropping the cash and dealing with the hassle of changing devices.

I agree that the form factor is top notch even with the antenae though I would prefer it without one.

I've never been a fan of convergence, mostly because of the stats of most of the devices. That and the fact that I would be increasing the strangle hold the carriers have over my tech life.

The XDAII was the first device that even remotely tempted to lure me over. A WM5 treo would be even harder.

Actually a decent solution for adding voice to my e830 would be perfect. Then I could carrier either my PDA or Smartphone. Not both.

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