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Old 05-13-2005, 03:00 PM
Jon Westfall
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Default The Accessory Game

With the upcoming release of Windows Mobile 2005, many of us who haven't upgraded from a primary PPC in awhile (i.e. over 6 months... ) may be looking to grab some new WM 2005 hardware (Or at least hardware that will get a 2005 upgrade). Personally, I've recently acquired a Dell Axim x50v, and now am faced with playing an old favorite:

The Accessory Game!

Yes Boys & Girls, its now time to go out and acquire all those wonderful accessories that are device specific: Replacement Stylus, sync cables, spare cradles, chargers, batteries, etc..

While some technologies (i.e. Bluetooth, Common expansion slots) allow us to keep some accessories from one PPC to another, there are always some things that must be re-purchased. So what is your strategy for playing the game? Vote in the poll, and if you have time, let us know what you generally buy for your new device, including how much extra you drop on accessories.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
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Old 05-13-2005, 03:22 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: The Accessory Game

I voted 'not buying new PPC'. My last Pocket PC (just 6 months old but probably not getting WM2k5) is going to last me until it falls apart. I can't see the justification in the buying almost identical hardware again just because I start lusting over a software release :roll:

Anyway, I'll just duck down into the corner over here so that my cinicism doesn't spoil the fun of those who will be buying up (and I love to buy gadgets just as much as the next guy, but not this time)...
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Old 05-13-2005, 03:39 PM
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I just make a point of never buying device specific accessories - that's why I never went for any of the old iPAQs and their "sleeves for everything" thing they had going on.

Just about anything you need apart from those sync/charge cables (and even those I just get adapters and use a common USB base) is available in USB/CF/SD/Bluetooth/wifi interfaces so they real question is why the heck would you want to get something device specific unless you are 100% certain you'll never buy another PocketPC as long as you live?

Two thumbs up for common device interfaces.
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Old 05-13-2005, 04:11 PM
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I make it my personal policy to NEVER (well, OK, more than once) buy from manufaturers/brands that change connectivity options between generations of devices. It is a shallow and throroughly scandalous ploy to generate extra income.

So far HP has been good to me (5400 to 4700) and so has Sony Ericcson (from the T68i all the way to the K700i plus all my BT headsets). All my sync cables/chargers have seemed common to all devices. Nokia lost my loyalty when they retained the same connector but reversed the actual pin-outs to prevent using the same data cable with a new phone. I never bought another device from them.

I wish more manufaturers would adopt USB charging, then I could charge everything from my laptop.

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Old 05-13-2005, 04:21 PM
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When I purchased my Axim X5, I also purchased the 3400 mAH battery, 3 extra stylus, business leather pouch, and pack-o-12 screen protectors at the same order. Now that the X5 is officially retired, it is accompanied by 4 stylus, business leather pouch, 6 screen protector, and 3400 mAH battery.

The same also happened when we purchased XDA 2mini for the wife. we ordered with 2 spare stylus, screen protectors, extra battery, black and red covers, etc. etc.

Last month I was assigned an XDA IIs from my company, and I immediately purchased a whole lot of accessories for it. The same also happened for each of my motorola handphones. 2 or 3 spare batteries for each of them, 2 or 3 different covers or pouches ...

It is a jungle of accessories down here =)

Now, what I need is windows mobile 2005 upgrade for XDA IIs, and i will be a happy camper.
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Old 05-13-2005, 05:06 PM
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One of the best things HP has done has been to maintain a common power supply across all of the IPAQs. I have them spread around the house, and in my travel bag. At first I didn't like the removeable connector, but now I do - it is a lot cheaper to replace that if it breaks than to replace the whole charger.

External battery packs solve the extended power problem across all models. I do wish for a bit of stylus standardization though.
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Old 05-13-2005, 05:26 PM
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I jumped right in and bought a Sena case for my X50v. That is the only device specific accessory I have.

Everything else is standard stuff, CF, SD, Bluetooth or a charger with the original iPaq round plug that works with the X50v thanks to the included charging adapter.
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Old 05-13-2005, 06:37 PM
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I generally don't buy too many accessories. Usually just a case and extra styluses. Rarely, an extra power cord.
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Old 05-13-2005, 06:44 PM
Sven Johannsen
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Originally Posted by KH
One of the best things HP has done has been to maintain a common power supply across all of the IPAQs. I have them spread around the house, and in my travel bag. At first I didn't like the removeable connector, but now I do - it is a lot cheaper to replace that if it breaks than to replace the whole charger.
Interesting to note that Dell uses the same concept, and the power supplies are essentially interchangeable. Additionally you can get USB and car charger units and cables that interface to those power adapters, making those items relatively universal.

My approach is to A) Buy the PPC I want, B) buy accessories that are fairly universal in hopes that I can can continue to use them after instances of 'A', C) suck it up and buy the new stuff specifically for the new PPC that I need. Lately, with all the built in stuff, cases are about all that fits in that last catagory.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.
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Old 05-13-2005, 08:10 PM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Looks like everyone is basically trying (and succeeding) at buying as much "Universal" as possible. I think one of the really nice things to come out in the past 2 years are bluetooth peripherals. Since BT is relatively common on PPCs now, being able to use the same keyboard & wireless headsets really cut down on the most expensive peripherals we were accustomed to buying. Keyboards are the real saving grace: My ThinkOutside BT keyboard has been with me for 3 PPCs now, working nicely with each. I shutter to think about shelling out $70 - $90 each time I bought a new PPC on one peripheral!

Now we just need 1 universal charging / syncing standard (maybe mini-usb?) and 1 standard stylus shape & size. The stylus one may be a bit much to ask for, but the charging / syncing standard may have some promise.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
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