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Old 04-21-2005, 01:00 PM
Darius Wey
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Default Navio 3 Released

"With Navio you can check your current position, heading, speed and altitude and see how many satellites are being used for your current fix as well as strength of the signal and margin of error. See your current location, trace your route and calculate the distance between any two points on any digitized map. With the ability to set up to 3 reference points for map calibration, Navio will accurately show your position on the map. A great feature for travelling, hiking, geocaching, golfing, sailing and much more."

A bit of a silent update this was, but Navio 3 has been updated and is packed with a whole bundle of new features. For a full list of changes, visit the Navio website. Handango have a trial version available for download, and if it's to your liking, it can be purchased for $24.95. [Affiliate]
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Old 04-21-2005, 03:29 PM
Jonathon Watkins
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303

It looks good, but only offering a 5 minute trial?????? :huh:

That's not *quite* enough time to evaluate it. :?
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Old 04-22-2005, 01:57 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1

Well that's 5 minutes of GPS connection at a time. It's not 5 minutes in total and forever. You can launch Navio, play around all the screens and then press Start to connect to the GPS. Then you'll get 5 minutes. With a couple of taps you can reset the 5 minutes (press close icon, tap on Navio Today plugin to relaunch).

What kind of evaluation period would you suggest?

Having a long term evaluation period of for example 2 weeks can be done in two ways :

- saving a reg key under the main Navio reg tree - too easy to delete with any registry editor
- saving a key somewhere hidden in the registry - I find this very sneaky. If someone doesnt like Navio they'll keep having some wasted bytes on their device. Shame on developers that do this.
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