04-08-2005, 10:00 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
Flight Attendants Want to Keep Inflight Mobile Phone Ban
"As much as our cellphone has become an extension of our body, we�ve been dreading the prospect of the FCC lifting the ban on inflight cellphone use (yeah, maybe it�d be nice to check your voicemail from 30,000 feet, but you�ll change your mind the first time you get stuck next to some foolio who insists on chattering away on their phone for 90 minutes). The FCC�s already gotten flamed by travelers who apparently aren�t happy about this either, and we may have gained a very significant ally in the form of the Association of Flight Attendants, which is rallying its members against allowing cellphones during flights."
I have to agree with Engadget's dread. I can see it now: "No! You'll have to speak up, I'm on the plane!" All it takes is a few idiots to spoil it for the rest of us. :? As long as the airlines still allow us to use our Pocket PCs for data-centric work, I'll be happy. It's the Flight Attendants that have historically been rather.... trigger happy in this regard.
04-08-2005, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 718
Yeah, I can see the point about the 90 minute call idiot you're sitting next to Like those people who can't put the damn cellphone down for 5 minutes while they check out in the supermarket :evil:
04-08-2005, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 398
people could do all they want with their phones (text etc) as long as they dont use it as a phone.
04-08-2005, 12:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 276
I've been on field trips with my kids and there have been parents who have talk almost the entire time on the cell phone. There are times I really wish I had a cell phone jammer :twisted:
04-08-2005, 01:41 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 6
Since when is the FCC and manners enforcement agency
Let's not lose focus here, folks. Whether it might be rude to talk on a cell phone while in flight should not be left to the FCC or the FAA. If there is a safety issue, that is one thing. If the technology is safe for inflight use, that is the end of the FCC and FAA authority. Now, if an airline wants to ban use because of civility issues, let the market determine whether that makes sence (and this comes from a lifelong Democrat). If someone next to you is speaking too loudly, or bothering you, politely ask them to stop, but why should I be prevented from getting my email while in flight, or quietly checking in with my family or office if I am not bothering anyone else (perhaps the seats next to me are empty!)
04-08-2005, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 734
People talking on planes is a safety issue - if I was to sit next to someone who's on the phone the entire freakin' flight, you're going to see a serious case of air-rage. It's bad enough being in a plane for an extended period of time (what with crying babys, smelly people, bad food, worse flight crews) - we sure as hell don't need another problem.
04-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
We have had cellphones on planes for a number of years without problems, the ones in the back of the seat. We never had problems with them because the cost of using them keeps use down. I have a feeling this will be the case with the new regulations. Airlines and their providers will be charging an arm and a leg for inflight use.
Personally I think WiFi is a much better option. It is unobtrusive to others and still allows users to be in contact using email, Messenger, and so on. Chances are those who have a need to be in contact will have a laptop or PDA with WiFi, while the bulk of folks with just a cellphone are more likely to be just gabbers.
I've always been very vocal against jamming cellphones. I think on planes with such tight quarters for extended periods of time cellphone use may not be a good solution. BUT every plane should be equipped with WiFi in place of cellphones.
04-08-2005, 02:55 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 866
Yeah, wifi in planes would be good. And they definately would charge a fortune for use in the air. An sms costs $5!!
All I want is data, and thats it. No talking. A Wifi hotspot on planes is a great idea, and charge for the flight. no pesky download limit, just unlimited broadband for the flight for a nominal fee. i bet it would be popular.
04-08-2005, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
Said this on engadget....
You CAN'T legistlate the right for someone to NOT be a idiot(Iwanted to use a stronger word, but theirs children present). I think sralmas is right on the money with this one. If people can't yak on thier cells, then they will do something else to annoy you or the flight attendent. Personally, I'd rather it be allowed. Why? Well, as any well worn air travler knows, you NEED headphones. Whether it's for the in flight movie or just to listen to some music it's well worth the 5 bucks. You can drown out the crying babies, the guy next to you snoring or the idiot yakking for 3 hours on the 4 hour flight. Plus they help keep your sanity when your in the back row of a dc9 by drowning out the engine drone. My point is, people are GOING to be idiots, one way or another. Making cells illegal because people are going to abuse it is the saddest thing I have ever heard of. The government needs to stay OUT of stuff like this. First it's cell phones and next thing would be wearing too much perfume. Where do they stop?
04-08-2005, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
Re: Said this on engadget....
Originally Posted by gorkon280
First it's cell phones and next thing would be wearing too much perfume. Where do they stop?
Personally I think they should stop somewhere AFTER stinky feet!
You make some very good points that I agree with though.