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Old 04-06-2005, 07:00 AM
Darius Wey
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Default The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile Will Be Available in June

"Mark/Space, Inc. today announced The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile, a substantial update to The Missing Sync for Pocket PC, synchronization software that connects Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile Smartphones to computers running Mac OS X. The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile offers several desirable features over its predecessor, including contacts and calendar synchronization with Microsoft Entourage 2004 and support for Windows Mobile Smartphone devices, such as the Audiovox SMT5600/Orange SPV C500, i-MateSP3i and Motorola MPx220."

Mac users have a reason to be happy, although this new release will not be made available until June. However, anyone who purchases "The Missing Sync for Pocket PC" on or after April 1, 2005 will be entitled to a free upgrade once the new version ships. More details are available at the Mark/Space website.
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:16 AM
Phillip Dyson
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,520

I've been in a holding pattern for about a month concerning buying a new laptop. Part of me wants to buy a Powerbook, but the one hold out are my Windows Mobile devices. I guess thats two.

I know some may say that that is such a small thing. But if your PDA is an integral part of your life, having to limit its usefulness is a big deal.

I know there is this program and PocketMac that pretty much cover the basic PIM stuff to varying degrees. But my concern is everything else. Like syncing with Quicken. Like syncing PhatNotes. And that one "killer app" that someone will develop down the line and not bother to support the mac.

I've been going back and forth as to whether I could live with that. If VirtualPC was a solution, then it would be that much easier. But I've nothing but frustration about this route.

I wonder what other Mac users are doing. Are they okay with the desktop integration limitation? Perhaps most of them only ever desire to sync the basic PIM stuff. Who knows?

Phone: Nexus one Backup Phone: AT&T Samsung Jack; Future Phone: I'm Watching WP7; Media Player: Platinum Zune HD 32GB; Home Server: HP MediaSmart Server LX195 Console: XBox 360, PS3, Wii
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Old 04-06-2005, 05:43 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 97
Default Good news indeed!

I was in the market for a new laptop myself. I was torn between the IBM ThinPad X40 and the MAC PowerBook. I decided the PowerBook would be the winner and bought it this past Sunday. Since I have NEVER used a MAC, I was kinda suspect but seeing the PowerBook in action sold me. The thing screams and the fact that its really Unix sold me. I've had it four days and have transition easily from windows. I have my iTuens, Picutres all migrated over and working, my digital cameras work, my Clie Th-55 syns perfectly with Missingsync. the speed of applications blows away anything on my current Windows T42 laptop. I'm veyy happy w/ this Mac, er Unix
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Old 04-06-2005, 07:09 PM
Mobile Mike
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 21
Default same issue

I use a Toshiba TabletPC that I synch with my I-700 and have a mac desktop. I have been slowly migrating all of my important data to the mac and using the Tablet less and less.

The one issue for me is ewallet. I have it for the PPC and the desktop. They do not make a mac version so I would not be able to use it on my mac desktop and synch to the PPC. Not sure what I'm going to do. I really wish that Apple would just release a pda soon, I'm guessing they will enhance a iPod sometime in the next couple of years with pda features. Until then, I'm not sure what to do.
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Old 04-06-2005, 08:12 PM
Phillip Dyson
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,520

Thanks for the responses.

I complete agree that the Mac, or specifically the Powerbook is a great machine. There are so many things going for it. And if I had a Palm or no PDA at all, then my decision would be simple.

The fact I have been reluctant to elimitate it altogether as a consideration speaks for itself.

But I have an issue with Quicken sync. CodeWallet sync, PhatNotes sync, and whatever cool thing may come in the future. Most peoples organization lives revolve around a laptop or desktop and the PDA is a companion. I'm quickly becoming the opposite.

I did notice that markspace has released a conduit sdk. Thats promising. Unfortunately that is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy.

I must now return to my vacilations.

Phone: Nexus one Backup Phone: AT&T Samsung Jack; Future Phone: I'm Watching WP7; Media Player: Platinum Zune HD 32GB; Home Server: HP MediaSmart Server LX195 Console: XBox 360, PS3, Wii
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Old 05-09-2005, 12:08 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 16
Default Re: same issue

Originally Posted by Mobile Mike
I use a Toshiba TabletPC that I synch with my I-700 and have a mac desktop. I have been slowly migrating all of my important data to the mac and using the Tablet less and less.

The one issue for me is ewallet. I have it for the PPC and the desktop. They do not make a mac version so I would not be able to use it on my mac desktop and synch to the PPC. Not sure what I'm going to do. I really wish that Apple would just release a pda soon, I'm guessing they will enhance a iPod sometime in the next couple of years with pda features. Until then, I'm not sure what to do.
Same thing here. I just sold my Portege M200 and bought a mini and TiBook 800 with the proceeds. I am quite happy.

Consider PocketMac. I have the Smartphone edition and it works pretty good. Getting reliable Bluetooth syncs was tough at first, but once you learn the settings it all works well.

PocketMac allows you to sync specific files - you might able to copy over the eWallet db and have PocketMac sync it. Might work...
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Old 05-16-2005, 08:46 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 5
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You're gonna be able to sync but not use the CodeWallet or eWallet data since there's no Mac version. I have the same dilemma with my SX66. On the PC/PocketPC, I've been a long time eWallet user. On the Mac, I've been a longtime WebConfidential user.

For me, since I only keep Mac passwords/websites on WebConfidential, I export that to a .csv file and keep that export on my PocketPC. My PC/PocketPC passwords and other mobile stuff I want to keep is in eWallet. If I need a Mac password on the PocketPC, I open the csv export in Excel.

Your milage may vary, but for now it works. Not elegant, but there are limits to all this integration. Remember, MS never intended PocketPC/SmartPhone to work with anything but Outlook on Windows. Given the tiny relative size of the market, I don't expect to see illium or and other PocketPC software house with Mac versions.

Now, I think SplashID runs on Windows and PC's, but if I remember correctly, they don't support using the PocketPC/PC file on the Mac - only Palm. I'd be happy if I was wrong, and I'm sure I haven't looked into this in some time.

I just fired an e-mail to TechSupport to see if SplashID for the Mac will open PocketPC files...I'll post the result.

Good luck,
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