"Robert attempted to make a change to his presentation but MS left out many functions and features needed to accomplish this task. Out of frustration he pounds his head on the seatback tray blinding himself with the laser being emitted from the PocketPC...."
Too true! And don't forget:
"In the middle of his presentation Robert's PocketPC locked up and needed to be hard reset. Robert spent the next half hour trying to recover his data from backup and profusely apologizing to his clients. In the end, the company decided to award the contract to another firm that delivered a flawless presentation using a Notebook PC. Robert's company blames him for his poor decision to travel only with a PocketPC when he should have brought his laptop, and Robert's career enters a downward spiral."
64 GB iPad 2 WiFi, Apple TV 2, 32 GB iPhone 4
Early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" (dual boot with Windows 7), Early 2009 Mac Mini