Originally Posted by Jon Westfall
audio might be fun and good for commuting, etc. Probably wouldn't be to hard to implement - Editors could just record the audio when posting the story. I'm not sure how many readers really want to both read and hear my posts though....;)
If you include the audio as an enclosure in the exact message you are posting, then users have the choice of reading or listening. Also, if you have a Text-to-Speech engine on your Pocket PC and want to try out using TTS to read an RSS post, I've added support in FeederReader for this. I'm looking for someone to help me test this functionality!
PocketCasting is great for commuting and great for being able to do other things, like program the next version of FeederReader (!), while soaking up information.
I posted on PocketPCAddict.com the following, which summarizes my experience:
I like podcasting because there is a wider variety of "shows" available than on local radio. I'm an avid NPR listener and a mild talk radio listener. Podcasts fit into my life the same way that NPR and talk radio do. I can listen while programming. With blogs, I can't do that. It's like time-shifting radio that I can listen to whenever I want.
Talk radio shows get boring to me after I figure out the "pattern" of the host. Unless the host is fair and reasoned. In my years of listening, I've found exactly one radio host that is fair and reasoned, listening to both sides of an argument.
If you're the type that doesn't listen to radio or new (to you) music at all, then I would think podcasting may not appeal to you. Well, except if you don't listen to radio because it's boring, trite, annoying, or too patterned. Then podcasting is *perfect*.
Talk radio pattern:
1) Get caller
2) Listen to first half of caller's statement
3) Cut off caller and pronounce stupidity of caller
4) (Optional) Make unsubstantiated and/or unreasoned arguments occasionally supporting superficial claims.
5) Repeat for one hour.
Music radio pattern:
1) Announce "The New 100.3" for the first 3 years of existance.
2) Left-ear, right-ear sweep with beeps, boops, and the echoey AM-sounding voice. Sometimes add siren.
3) Introduce and play brand-new song #1. Play song that sounds exactly like Britney Spears, but may or may not be.
4) Introduce and play brand-new song #2. Play song that sounds exactly like Matchbox 20, but may or may not be.
5) Introduce and play brand-new song #3. Play song that sounds exactly like Nora Jones, but may or may not be.
6) Play lound and obnoxious local automobile ad.
7) Repeat for six weeks with exactly the same songs.
8) Get three new songs. Repeat for three years.
9) Change format to talk, or country, or Adult Contemporary, or Urban. Repeat with three brand-new songs in new genre.
Of course, I prefer getting my podcasts directly downloaded to my Pocket PC using FeederReader. No need for a desktop and syncing and all that. Download on the road.
Videocasting is also coming soon (well, already here for early adopters). FeederReader already handles videocasts, too.
"The future of podcasting is so bright, I gotta wear headphones." - Greg Smith
Greg Smith
Author, FeederReader - The Pocket PC RSS, podcatcher, videocatcher
www.FeederReader.com - Download on the Road