02-19-2005, 12:00 PM
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Top 10 Things He Wants On His Pocket PC
Filip Norrg�rd has written up his list of 10 items he wants available in his next Pocket PC. Quite a few I agree with, like more scratch resistant screens, OneNote for the Pocket PC (though EverNote may be a better solution when it is released for PDAs) and a better Connection Manager, but I don't agree with his number one choice: an integrated hard drive. It is only my ridiculously large 118MB library of Laridian books that makes my 512MB card seem a little small, something I plan to rectify soon with a sub-$100 1GB SD card. I honestly don't know what I'd put on a 5GB device. That would allow me to put my entire 2,000 song 3.9GB collection of music on the device, something I wouldn't do even if I could, but that is just me.
So, what do you think? Has he hit on 10 things you want?
02-19-2005, 12:12 PM
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Re: Top 10 Things He Wants On His Pocket PC
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
That would allow me to put my entire 2,000 song 3.9MB collection of music on the device, something I wouldn't do even if I could, but that is just me.
You encode at 65 bits per second, do you? Must be hard rock midi music
Anyways, I dont see why no manufacturer would take the risk by testing the market with a built-in HDD. They dont need MS's permission to do this, do they?
02-19-2005, 01:12 PM
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Re: Top 10 Things He Wants On His Pocket PC
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
I honestly don't know what I'd put on a 5GB device.
Hi Ed. I know what I'd put on a 5 GB device: the entire Wikipedia with images!
I have an Imate Jam, with a 1 GB SD card. I put on it some programs, MP3, ebooks, and the entire English wikipedia (Tomeraider format) but WITHOUT images. For me, the possibility to have at disposal in my Pocketpc the entire content, INCLUDING images, would be very valuable.
From the site of the author of the TR conversion, at present the English Wikipedia for TR3 with images measures 1.5 Gb ( http://members.chello.nl/epzachte/Wi...emoryCard.html)
02-19-2005, 01:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 601
I'm new to music on the PPC. Did Ed mean 3.9 Gigabyte? I have single songs that are 3.9MB in size! For my 90 cuts I've half filled a 512MB CF card (WMA format).
02-19-2005, 01:50 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
This is a good list, however, I could not get behind a PPC version of OneNote. it's nice, but I would rather use Pocket Word anyway. At least I can choose to save it in a Word 97 format that people can immeadeately read on any recent version of Word. I would just like a improved version of Pocket Word.
I WOULD want a hard disc and could see how it would be useful. Vertical markets can benefit greatly from something like this. Imagine if the Xerox tech or even the salesman could have a huge database of technical fixes or a catalog of coffee? That, and all programs could be installed on hte hard disc and ram could be reserved exclusively for execution.
I would like to add some to this list:
Improve Activesync to suppory SyncML. This should also allow you to support syncing with Mac's and many other OS's. SyncML is the future of syncronisation anyway.
802.11g support integrated. Sure, PPC's can't really use the extra bandwidth now, but future hardware can speed up the busses so that you can take advantage of the higher speed. Also, it's possible to make it software upgradeable as well so when the N spec comes out you can get that boost.
Sounds crazy, but I would not want the TV integrated....give me a integrated AM/FM radio. This is another portable device I carry and when my PPC can be my PDA, my Music device, my cell phone and my AM/FM radio, it would be the berries!
Also, I want true enhancements to the OS. GET RID of the minimize when you click the X and implement a close/smart minimize function. Make so you tap the X to minimize it and you tap and hold to close it. Also, truely enhance the OS to take advantage of both the Xscale and Bulverde processors. Also, make it truely skinnable.
One last thing...I want 128 to 256 MB of ram for execution only. The hard disc is for storing the apps. With the hard disc, the fear of loosing everything on a hard reset would be negated as would loosing things when the battery completely dies.
02-19-2005, 02:10 PM
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02-19-2005, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by gorkon280
I WOULD want a hard disc and could see how it would be useful. Vertical markets can benefit greatly from something like this.
Only as long as the HD wouldn't significally impact battery life. All reports seem to indicate the contrary, leading me to prefer a large flash memory storage space, around 2 GB. It would increase the price of the device, but in vertical markets the biggest price hit is usually the software licenses for whatever package is being used: 2 years ago siebel was 5 times the cost of the device itself, for each user(i have no ideia about now).
Originally Posted by gorkon280
Improve Activesync to suppory SyncML. This should also allow you to support syncing with Mac's and many other OS's. SyncML is the future of syncronisation anyway.
Oh, yes. This would be ... nice. And i think it will eventually happen, but most definitly not from microsoft. I can see someone releasing it as package or as an open-source add-on (there are some projects in this direction allready, methinks) but for microsoft this would mean loosing lock-in on the sync of information to outlook... and to exchange. Exchange is a lot more profitable than Pocket pc devices, so i can't see microsoft aiding competing products, even if it means less sales of ppc's. Or to put it another way: I'm more pro open-source than against, and even i have to admit that i *wouldn't* do that if i had their market share. If the ppc's started being an important part of their profit margin, things would be diferent, but right now this is unlikely.
02-19-2005, 04:01 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 312
I want
1 ) Voice Over IP
2 ) TV, AM radio, ok FM too
3 ) VGA on a PPCPhone
4 ) Remote Connection (that works well)
5 ) 5gb hard drive (for music, DVDs, etc)
6 ) iTunes format support (right :roll: )
7 ) Firefox
8 ) PPCphone that's not big and bulky but has a large screen(we are talking want not how, right?)
9 ) integrated GPS: When I drop it in the car cradle it pulls up a map and automatically starts the satellite search process, etc.
10 ) a processor and RAM fast enough to support all of the above
edit: oh ya
a ) it should sync with more than two PCs.
b ) sync with iPaq file store or SD card through ActiveSync
- iPhone3G - Blackberry Curve
02-19-2005, 04:34 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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Re: Top 10 Things He Wants On His Pocket PC
Originally Posted by Surur
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
That would allow me to put my entire 2,000 song 3.9MB collection of music on the device, something I wouldn't do even if I could, but that is just me.
You encode at 65 bits per second, do you? Must be hard rock midi music
DOH! Yeah, I meant 3.9GB. Fixed. ops:
02-19-2005, 04:58 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1,183
Why only 5 Gb????
What fool these days is still daft enough to say "Why would anyone ever want more than {insert randomly thought up, seemingly huge amount of RAM or storage space}?"
My e-book collection currently runs at around 250 books, and around 200 Mb. My Mp3 collection is about 15 Gb. I have about 50 DVDs that I could rip to a PDA-viewable format at around 200Mb each. I have thousands of digital photographs that I have taken over the last 4 years. Admittedly I would compress them to carry on the PDA, but right now they take up close to 10 Gb on my HDD.
So right now, without breaking sweat I could fill around 50 Gb on my PDA if I chose to carry everything with me.
So - I want more that 5 Gb whether as Flash memory or internal HDD.
I also want a better image browser. The Photo app built into Windows is unbelievably slow when cataloging an SD or CF card, and it seems to want to do it every time the app is launched.
And a better file explorer.
And networking features as powerful and simple as Windows XP has become.