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Old 02-17-2005, 12:00 AM
Ed Hansberry
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Default SyncNotes For Pocket PC

"SyncNotes helps you keep you important snippets of information at your fingertips, always. SyncNotes is a system that allows you to easily store, retrieve and even communicate small pieces of textual information. The SyncNotes System consists of a desktop software that allows you to put up virtual sticky notes on your screen, a web based system that synchronizes all notes from your PC(s) and a WAP based interface for viewing and adding notes when you are on the go."

It is free. The cool thing is it appears that you can invite friends into your notes and they can post their own notes into your folder which will be synchronized down to your device the next time you sync with the server. It works on all Pocket PC 2002 and later devices. You might have to install the Compact NET Framework if your device doesn't have it in ROM.
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Old 02-17-2005, 10:22 PM
Perry Reed
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Looks pretty cool. Does anyone know if you can sync the notes with (or import them from) Outlook? I have a ton of notes there and I'd hate to have to recreate them all.
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Old 02-21-2005, 11:39 PM
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This is my favourite application at the moment. I have it on my iPaq 2215, my home desktop and my work computer. It has come in very handy to keep my todo list organised and accessable. Also if I find a good website at work but want to look at it more at home I just create a note with the URL in. Recently I found lots of PPC sites I wanted to bookmark on my PDA so I created a note, synced my PDA and there were all the URLs to copy and paste into PIE.

I am surprised more people have not commented on the application. I hope people are trying it otherwise you are missing out.
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Old 02-22-2005, 12:15 AM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
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I already use the standard Notes app, Alarm Notes in Pocket Informant, Phatnotes and PhatPad. Sure, this one syncs to the web, but I already have my beloved Pocket PC with me everywhere I go except in extreme situations. Besides, the other notes applications I use don't suck up GPRS kilobytes everytime I open them.
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Old 02-22-2005, 12:44 AM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
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8O Your password is stores as plain text on your Pocket PC!

The following is from Notes.xml in \My Documents\My Notes\

- <NotesDataSet>
<Notes NoteGUID="f6d0493f-c27e-481d-ba59-4bd4e4b14419" Timestamp="632446429650000000" NoteTitle="Welcome to SyncNotes Chris Magnusson" NoteText="Your SyncNotes account has now been activated. Please enjoy yourself and report bugs" NoteColour="2" State="2" />
<Options Email="###" Password="###" AutoSync="false" SyncFrequencyInMinutes="5" SyncOnStartup="false" CustomTitleBarColour="-2894849" CustomNoteColour="-2105345" CustomTitleTextColour="-16777216" CustomNoteTextColour="-16777216" RandomThemeForNewNotes="false" DefaultTheme="0" DoubleClickAction="0" TimeDiffWithServer="25111" LastSyncTime="2005-02-21T23:07:31.0000000-07:00" />
The ###s were inserted to protect the innocent
iPhone 4! ☠☠☠ Mid-2010 15" MacBook Pro! ☠☠☠ Gateway LT2102h! ☠☠☠ Dell XPS M1210!
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Old 02-23-2005, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 178

Originally Posted by ctmagnus
8O Your password is stores as plain text on your Pocket PC!
I know that is 'bad', but how bad is that 'bad' when it is unlikely someone would get access to my PDA. And I also don't store any sensitive data in my SyncNotes anyway.
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Old 02-23-2005, 07:16 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Might be usefull in some weird situation where you lost your PDA and need to have access to your notes from differents computers; otherwise, PDAs already do everything that syncnotes are supposed to do. And the fact that they don't support anything but plain ascii text does not help, either. But it's a nice case of solving a non-existent problem :)
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Old 03-18-2005, 11:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 2

Hello Everyone

I am Romasha, from the SyncNotes Team, saw this thread and had to respond.


Thank you for pointing out the bug about the Password being displayed in Plain Text in the Notes.xml. We shall fix it in the next version upgrade.


SyncNotes doesnt have a functionality to import notes from Outlook. We are going to have a lot of features in the future versions and this might be one of them. But at this stage i cannot give you any timeline for the same.


Thanks for your comments on SyncNotes PPC.

We at SyncNotes would love to know how exactly do you use the product. We are planning future versions and your comments, suggestions and feature requests are most appreciated.
The SyncForums on the SyncNotes website is where you can talk to the team, report bugs, request features and help others in the community use SyncNotes better.
Use SyncNotes and help us spread the word around

Thank you all for all your comments

SyncNotes Team
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Old 08-12-2005, 06:54 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 2
Default SyncNotes nominated for Pocket PC Mag Awards

Hello Everyone

There is some good news for all you SyncNotes fans. The SyncNotes PocketPC Edition has been nominated by the Pocket PC Magazine Best Software Awards 2005 in the Notes category. :clap:

You could check out the nominees list @

The results will be announced by end of September. The nominees list will also be published in the November issue which will be out early September.

We are all keeping our fingers crossed...

And you can also check the other awards won by SyncNotes here:
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