Originally Posted by Kathy_Harris
Is anyone using this with the .NET framework? Can it do a multple state button like Listpro's 3 state button without the limitation of only 3 states?
I looked for a discussion group on Resco's site but there is none...
I am currently working with the control in preperation for a full review here on Pocket PC Thoughts. Since the grid cells only support displaying of text and icons by default, there aren't any real "buttons" to support, 3-state or otherwise.
However, with some really simple code and by using a series of icons to display your states, any cell can support the functionality as in ListPro's 3 state button. Simply setting the cell's icon based on the value of the cell and then cycling through a known series of values everyime you tap the cell will allow you to effectively produce an n-state button.