02-08-2005, 02:25 PM
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,233
The Must-Have Feature
About 6 months ago, I realized that any Pocket PC I purchased in the future had to have a GSM / GPRS component. I had become so addicted to the lure of always accessible email and easy connection to the internet, that when using my iPaq 5550 (which had everything else except GSM), I longed for more. Since then I gave up the luxurious memory and speed of the 5550 just for the GSM / GPRS capabilities of the 6315. I really didn't gain anything else, and as some would argue, I lost more than I gained.
This made me wonder for some time, with all the neat new features available to us now (VGA, decent cameras, attached keyboards) and features that are not new but still nifty (WiFi, BT, Slim Profiles), what is the one feature that you couldn't live without on your present unit, and those you'll purchase in the future?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

02-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 634
Having to choose just one must have feature is tough. I opted for WiFi because it's really the only feature that I can't live without. It enables me to check e-mail and surf the Internet without having to be tethered to my PC. Sure, I can do the same thing with Bluetooth and my cell phone, but it's frustratingly slow. Day in and day out, WiFi is the most valuable feature of my iPAQ.

02-08-2005, 02:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 9
A single "must have" feature is really meaningless (no offence). For me it is the combination of features that make the Pocket PC a "must have". For instance my previous PPC was an iPaq 3870 which was the best around at that time, but what I really wanted was the combination of a GPRS phone. I found this with the wireless expansion sleeve. Apart from the fact that I had to soft reset frequently and its large size it was a brilliant package and satisfied all my needs.
Last October the time came to replace my iPaq. I looked around and all the reviews were pointing to the iPaq 4700 but it had no built in GPRS. In the end I had to work around the problem and bought a seperate Nokia phone. Together they give me everything that I want both for work and for leisure. It's not perfect but it gives me what I want. ops:

02-08-2005, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 251
I voted for slim profile. After all, if its too big to carry around with me comfortably then its of no use to me.

02-08-2005, 02:58 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 598
I voted VGA with the reasoning that the current and near-future crop of PDAs with a VGA screen would be high-end devices and would more than likely have most of my other desired features.
I think, though, that the most important next development (as lets face it, all of the above are current, existing, well-developed technologies) will be high-capacity batteries, a la fuel cells or somesuch.
Without serious battery capacity in small enough form to fit easily in a handheld device none of the above features can be combined without compromise. More power, more features - simple as that.

02-08-2005, 03:02 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,734
A VGA screen is the main must-have. Everything else can be added in some other way e.g. wifi through SD wifi card, GSM through bluetooth, as well as GPS and keyboards etc. Even memory can be upgraded at a (steep) price. Adding a VGA screen is near impossible and cost-prohibitive.
I agree though that this question is near senseless. Even the most important "must have" feature can be negated by senseless negatives such as small batteries, slow processors, cosmetic appearance and leaving out simple features for no clear reason (example Mpx and hp6315).
Its a pity recently that pocketpc's have not been showing clear progression (especially under HP) where every generation has all the features of the previous generation plus something which makes it clearly better. At least HTC with their PPC-Phones knows how to satisfy a power user.

02-08-2005, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 634
Originally Posted by Surur
At least HTC with their PPC-Phones knows how to satisfy a power user. Surur
You got that right which is why I will be looking at them when it comes time to replace my H5455 iPAQ. HP always seems to sell their high-end device users short by charging a premium price for a device that always seems to have one (or more) major shortcoming.

02-08-2005, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 12
Impossible poll. There are several items on that list that are required for me to even consider a handheld, so it is impossible to pick any one that that would be worse than the others.

02-08-2005, 03:21 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 318
Voted for VGA. Because it's the only reason I changed from the 2215 for the X50v.
Without the vga I would of completely skipped this round of devices.
Even GSM/GPRS can be added either with a BT phone or a CF Card (I use both). But VGA isn't possible to add and it kicks a.

02-08-2005, 03:27 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 127
The only reason I got rid of my 2215 was for the VGA. But the CF is the one feature I've found that I can't deal without. Notice the 5450 in my past PDAs? That only lasted 1.5 months. I just had to have the CF slot. The expansion pack on the 5450 just made the PDA unmanagebly huge.
Now having embedded WiFi with the CF...that just rocks. Now I don't have to worry about not having my CF with me to watch a movie. I just keep it installed.