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Old 02-03-2005, 10:00 AM
Jonathon Watkins
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
Default Shifting Time & Folding Space: Telecoms Take on Transport

"Martin Geddes. . . recently asked an important question: "How do telecom and transport substitute [for] or complement one another?" Geddes argues that although trillions of dollars ride on the answers, we mostly don't have a clue. It's a fascinating essay that I won't try to summarize, but one key point -- the distinction between "travel for sense of presence" and "travel for information exchange" -- is relevant here. . . . Last weekend, my DSL was upgraded from 384Kbps to 3Mbps, and I can take it to 7Mbps if necessary. At what point does the link carry enough emotional bandwidth to begin displacing travel for sense of presence? I'm not holding my breath."

Jon Udell at Infoworld has written a though provoking article about the possibilities and limitations of telecom and transport, arguing that time-shifted content and space-folding telepresence are becoming complementary. For example it is often not necessary to drive to meetings to share information which could be done by a phonecall or videoconference. However it can be useful to listen to pre-recorded audio without interruptions in the car and 'face time' is often needed to start and get the most out of relationship. Jon rhetorically asks if we want to shift time, fold space & juggling atoms and bits and his answer is an emphatic, Yes! What about you guys? Does this high speed juggling act sound attractive to you or is there a price to pay for cramming ever more into a life of constant motion and busyness?
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Old 02-08-2005, 07:36 PM
Cybrid's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,466 do "save" on travel time... :lol:

Reminds me about this old article about the washing machine.....
It was supposed to be the time saver....Women spent most of one day a week doing back breaking hand washing in the 'ole days....Now this automation was supposed to save them the work and time....

result: People simply did more laundry, more often.... 8O
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Old 02-09-2005, 05:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 27

First, face time is important. And though I love being able to just "send" information rather than delivering it, I feel that it is important to weigh those decisions carefully. The worl dwe live in seems to be headed towards less non-electronic interaction, and that scares me. I think there will eventually be a backlash to some degree, not exactly sure how but even in work environments people are trying to use messengers (like mSN, AIM, or Yahoo!) less because it is actually separating people. Well, so they say.
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Old 02-09-2005, 06:50 PM
Jonathon Watkins
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303

Originally Posted by Copter
First, face time is important. And though I love being able to just "send" information rather than delivering it, I feel that it is important to weigh those decisions carefully. The world we live in seems to be headed towards less non-electronic interaction, and that scares me. I think there will eventually be a backlash to some degree..
True. Face time is very important and I wonder exactly how much all this constant juggling is affecting us as people. There's always a price to pay.... :?
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