01-24-2005, 04:00 PM
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What Do You Do If You Forget Your Pocket PC (Phone)?
"It happens from time to time, you are in hurry in the morning and you leave your home but also leaving either your wallet or your Pocket PC (Phone Edition) or mobile phone. If this happens to me, I feel completely naked. It's less a problem if I leave my wallet at home but it becomes a serious problem if I leave my Smartphone. You can always borrow money from friends or co-workers but how to borrow personal communication facilities? Therefore, everything < 20 minutes I return to pick-up my Smartphone something never happened if i forgot my wallet (at home - for sure not at a restaurant or other public places)."
Arne targets his discussion to Windows Mobile-based phone devices, although we can generalize the discussion a little bit to include Pocket PCs. In my case, I just use the same trick as for my wallet or keys -- which is to never ever forget it -- so I'm never stuck. I generally "pat my pockets" whenever leaving a location for the day (i.e., leaving home for work, leaving work for lunch, leaving work for home, etc), just to make sure. What about you? Have you left your precious at home and had to go back and get it? Or did you try to "tough the day out" and suffer? Time to share some stories.
01-24-2005, 04:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 335
You need a small Bluetooth alarm module which zaps you if you get out of Bluetooth range... I'll leave it to your imagination where it could be best placed... :lol:
...although with the Bluetooth problems some people are having it may be a little painful.
01-24-2005, 04:14 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 469
My work is only 5 minutes from home, usually I just made a quick run home at break ( :lol: ). It dcesn't happen more than once or a twice a year thought.
01-24-2005, 04:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 73
Since I am reading and responding to this on my Jam I can't imagine leaving it anywhere.
I live and work in Kuwait. As a ritual everyone I work with will place thier sunglasses and phones in front of them when we sit down anywhere. They're also the first things we reach for while getting up. The good news in the event of an unfortunately misplaced PPCPE, PPC, mobile phone is that most corporate offices here have mandoubs (professional gophers) and he can run out to play the hero and retrieve your gear.
01-24-2005, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 57
I find it quite a handicap if I leave my PPC at home. I've returned home to get it (30 minute drive), delayed a flight to go back and get it and even had it FedEx'd to me. I find it very difficult to keep on top of things and keep going without my PPC. The same can be said for my cell phone. The two together are a must so I can have access to the internet and work.
One trick I use when I go into a restaurant is to place my keys on the table with my PPC. I'm not too likely to leave without the keys.
However, that couldn't work last night in the airport when I left my cell phone on the table at a restaurant. I only got about two gates away when I realized I had left it. I have developed a habit of checking for my wallet, cell phone and PPC as I walk.
01-24-2005, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 327
Since my Pocket PC and Phone are an integral part of my job, if I forget either one, I have to go get it. I believe it has happened only once, however.
I have forgotten my wallet before, several times, as well as my money (I do not keep money in my wallet) , but I did not go back for either. I just borrow cash if I need it , and my Pocket PC has all my credit card numbers, driver records, etc. in ewallet. I did drop my Pocket PC once and cracked the screen, and I was truly lost for a day until I got a new one.
01-24-2005, 05:28 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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I have forgotten my keys and locked myself in the garage.
I have put on white socks and tennis shoes to walk the dog then forget to change socks later.
I have forgotten my wallet.
I have forgotten my watch.
I have made my lunch then drove off while it sat on the counter.
I have left my glasses at home and realized half way in I was squinting.
One day I almost forgot to take a shower. Got busy doing some work and jumped up got dressed and started to head out and realized it.
I even forgot my laptop one day and had to use another workstation at work.
I can honestly say though since getting my first PDA in 1998, I have never forgotten it.
01-24-2005, 05:29 PM
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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I've only left my wallet at home once (and asked a parking attendant to let me slide for one day on the 50-cent parking fee, to which she asked "Are you going to forget your wallet tomorrow"... I really had to restrain myself from beating her senseless for that asinine comment), but leaving my PPC at home has happened 2 or 3 times.
My method? I've gotten in the mode of 'patting myself down' every time I get up to go somewhere. I check my back pocket (wallet) and front pocket (keys & PPC) by just brushing up against them. It looks natural, and I know I've got everything.
Now if I can just find the 2 SD cards I lost last week, I'll be happy...
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts
01-24-2005, 06:15 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 99
I have a PPC and a cell phone. I forgot my cell phone at home once and I was able to get by without it. I forgot my PPC a couple of times and had to drive back home to get it. I can't be without my PPC!
01-24-2005, 06:45 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 5
My biggest case of PDA separation anxiety was when I accidentaly left it at my girlfriends house on the night before a buisness trip. Once I realized what I had done, I called her to have her FedEx my hotel.
Now I have redundency with my Ipaq 2215 and Motorola Mpx220, so I would be in really sad shape if I managed to lose or forget both. Besides, my pants don't feel right is there isn't the proper amount of gadgets the pockets.