01-04-2005, 12:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
MortSaver 1.0
If you're carrying your Pocket PC in your pocket (wow, isn't that a novel idea?), you've undoubtedly at one time experienced pressing the screen and/or buttons of your Pocket PC while it was in your pocket, causing your device to drain its battery. If you ran out of luck before your battery ran out of power, this might even have caused a non-functioning Pocket PC that needed to be resurrected by charging it. MortSaver promises to help you with that. Put it in your Start Up folder, map a button to MortSaver, and with the press of that button shut down your screen and lock all of your buttons except the MortSaver button. If you press any of the other buttons, there will be a message stating that the screen will shut down in 5 seconds, and it will do just that.
I haven't tested this, and so far I've just used the option on my i-Mate PDA2k to lock all buttons except the power button. The problem with that of course is that it puts the device on stand by, pausing any music I'd be playing with Windows Media Player. So an application like MortSaver sounds interesting to me. How about you? What solution do you use to prevent your Pocket PC from draining its batteries through unwanted button/screen presses?

01-04-2005, 03:07 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 97
this is one way.. but
This is why I LOVE the x50v Kill switch. I regularly use the kill switch on the x50v and this takes care of it all. Nice job Dell

01-04-2005, 03:44 PM
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Re: this is one way.. but
Originally Posted by acollet
This is why I LOVE the x50v Kill switch. I regularly use the kill switch on the x50v and this takes care of it all. Nice job Dell
Ditto. For those that don't know, the slide lock on the X50 disables all buttons, including on/off, and screen touch response. I think often a device in the pocket or purse turns on for some reason, even with the common button disable in the control panel, and it is screen pressure that keeps it from shutting back down. With the Dell lock on, if a reminder wakes your device up, it will shut back down in the 2-3 minutes you have set, because screen response is disabled.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.

01-04-2005, 04:38 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
More and more I'm beginning to think that Dell is bringing out the true heirs to my beloved HP Jornada range....

01-04-2005, 04:42 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 59
Keyguard works for me...

01-04-2005, 04:56 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 57
I never had this problem with my Toshiba e310, which I kept in my pocket without any case or cover of any sort.
With my new iPaq 2750, the flip cover takes care of all this for me ^^

01-04-2005, 06:34 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 171
Dell? Personally, I'm not a Dell fan (really it's just me), but if they are doing this...way to go Dell! Good idea and I hope others copy it. I have consistently had my buttons get pushed (so to speak) and cannot remember how many times I've been thankful to have a full backup. MortSaver looks like a good thing to use, but sounds like Dell has a better function in place.

01-04-2005, 06:59 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 183
I have a slightly different problem. I disable all my hardware buttons except the power button disabled when the Pocket PC is off, but some times reminders or other notifications fire that cause the Pocket PC to turn back on, and of course when it is on the hardware buttons are then active. If this happens while the Pocket PC is in my pocket then there is always a chance that a button will be pressed. I have had a few instances where there have been phone calls made while the IPAQ was in my pocket. So I think I need a "pocket" feature where the buttons and screen taps are disabled even when the Pocket PC is on until some specific action is taken.

01-04-2005, 08:00 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 734
My Clie TH55 also has one of those handy little switches. It's combined with the powerbutton. I flip it up when it's on and it goes into standby, and when it's off and I flip it up, everything locks. Makes you wonder why not every PPC has one.
It's quite handy. Especially when I want to listen to a Shoutcast stream, I flip the switch up to Hold and everything locks down and the screen turns off. And when I'm done with it, I turn it off and put it on lock, even though I carry it in a case. I know it won't turn on by accident, and if you've never worked with one you won't be able to turn it on either, so it adds another layer of protection as well.

01-04-2005, 08:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 55
Originally Posted by bkerrins
Dell? Personally, I'm not a Dell fan (really it's just me), but if they are doing this...way to go Dell! Good idea and I hope others copy it. I have consistently had my buttons get pushed (so to speak) and cannot remember how many times I've been thankful to have a full backup. MortSaver looks like a good thing to use, but sounds like Dell has a better function in place.
The first time I saw this on a PDA was on Sony Clies 3.5 years ago. And before that on portable CD players.
The credit should go to Dell for having enough brains to take a useful feature of someone else and migrate it without egomaniacs having the Non-Invented-Here syndrom.
Ever too often you have a company so self convinced by its spin that it will fail to improve in rediculous aspects, but Dell shows us again and again that it is not like that.