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Old 12-24-2004, 05:30 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Default Crazy Random Holiday Giveaway #3: EMTAC Bluetooth GPS III Receiver

When I started these giveaways, I was just going through my own stuff, but the generous people from Transplant GPS contacted me this morning and offered to donate an EMTAC Bluetooth GPS III Receiver (value: $149 USD) for our giveaway! 8O A very big thanks to them for offering this - please honour their Web site with a visit to say thanks. Here's a picture of the device and a short write-up:

"The EMTAC Bluetooth GPS III allows you to receive GPS data wirelessly and continuously for twenty (20) hours on only four (4) AAA Alkaline Batteries. By sending GPS position data over Bluetooth, you can position the receiver for the best possible reception all without wires. Now you can be truly mobile."

Since this is a sweet prize, I won't do anything really strange for this giveaway: if you want to be entered for this drawing, just post a message in the discussion thread. That's all! At some random point today I'll close the contest and pick the winner. Enjoy!

UPDATE: And the winner is, by random drawing...Spaceman! I doubt if GPS will work from space, but I hope he'll enjoy it anyway. :lol: A very big thank you to please Transplant GPS for donating the prize.
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