11-24-2004, 05:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
B-Trix Deluxe Released
"B-Trix Deluxe available at last! After long months of work the Gamazura team is very proud to launch this new version offering the best content in its category: a great range of different skins, various distinctive and sophisticated playing modes."

GamAzura have just released B-Trix Deluxe, and it aims to deliver more eye-candy and game modes than ever before. So why not head over to GamAzura and check it out for yourself? There's a free test version of the game, which you can download here.

11-24-2004, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,186
Ok, is it just me, or is that insect attempting to look seductive?

11-25-2004, 10:01 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Originally Posted by Pat Logsdon
Ok, is it just me, or is that insect attempting to look seductive?
Don't get too emotionally attached to it! :mrgreen: :lol:

11-25-2004, 09:03 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 378
I was sittilng here groaning, "No, not another Tetris game!" Then you guys had your eye on the seductive insect. It will be interesting how long this thread goes on.
"It's alright to pick your friends, but not to pieces."