11-24-2004, 09:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 15,171
New To Pocket PCs?
If you're new to Pocket PCs, there's a few general-subject articles you may find of interest.
- A PC World article discusses PDAs, both Palm and Pocket PC. "Whether you simply want an inexpensive pocket organizer to hold your contacts, addresses, phone numbers, and appointment calendar, or a more ambitious handheld that lets you listen to music downloads, play games, browse the Internet, and make phone calls, there's a model for you. Here's a bottom-up look at the secretaries you can put in your pocket."
- Pocket PC Magazine has a quick guide to some of the current Pocket PCs and Smartphones. "This Buyer's Guide describes Windows Mobile devices currently available in the U.S. These small, full-featured computing devices and personal organizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with a variety of features."
If you've just been starting out and want a little more information, here are two of many resources available. Of course, feel free to post in our forums as well -- we've got a friendly little community that's always happy to help.
11-24-2004, 09:47 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 481
Re: New To Pocket PCs?