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Old 11-23-2004, 01:16 AM
Pat Logsdon
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Default Toyota France Hub System Uses Pocket PC Phone Edition

"Toyota Hub is Toyota France's exclusive consumer mobility service portal. In addition to traditional PDA functionalities, Toyota Hub offers a full range of services that can be purchased independently. Toyota Hub offers four main types of services: Toyota Club (information dedicated to the Toyota brand), On the move (services to help you find your way), Multimedia (free browsing of multiple infotainment services), Connect (to remain connected). - Webraska press release

Per Soroban Geeks, the system includes:
� Qtek 2020: 756,00�
� Qtek 9090: 830,00�
� Complete integration in the vehicle for ~ 250/300�
� Holux bluetooth GR. 230GPS: 329,00�
� 1 year of service included then 15� per month for the second year
� Real time traffic information
� Hub Information center service: 5� per month
� SMS information: 3� per month
� Skweezer service: 2�/month

Kudos to Toyota France for using an innovative approach to GPS AND information center/concierge services! Here in the US, the most popular (and maybe only) similar service is GM's OnStar. Push a button and you'll be connected with an operator. You have to buy a GPS system separately, however, with both of them usually costing between $1500 to $3000, depending on the manufacturer. This seems like much more bang for the euro, as it were. What do you think? Has anyone in France seen this? Would anyone in other countries be interested in having something like this as a dealer-installed option?
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Old 11-23-2004, 02:56 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 152

Yes I saw it at the Mondial 2004 car show in Paris that I covered for GpsPasSion ;-)
Not a bad idea, albeit a bit "slapped together" and with a rather large problem that will likely prevent it from shifting to many units, a hideous cradle :roll: the real problem is that seemingly, no thought was given to the alarmingly high GPRS costs in France, 5Mb for 6 euros or 10Mb for 10 euros and then you pay 5 euros per megabyte. Everyting being "off-board" on the Toyota Hub, you can imagine the "sticker shock"...I suggested they buy big chunks of GPRS bandwidth and bundle them with their offer. They seemed to think it was a good idea, but I haven't heard anything new since.
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