Spontaneous Zune Shutdown and XP Amnesia
"We all have read the recent issues of the Zune shutting down due to static. You know you might have been a victim of this if your Zune shuts down and the Zune logo appears and re-boots itself. Today, it happen to me.. kind of. While i was on the train on my way to work, my Zune suddenly shut down. I didn’t if it was a battery thing or not, so i checked it. I clicked the play button and the Zune turned on, but it wouldn’t display an image. The screen remained black, but you could tell it was on, because some of the lighting." Well, it's never happened to me [knocks on wood again], so I guess I'm lucky, though I did have a Zune issue myself recently that I'll be posting on soon. In any case, if your Zune decides to up and quit one day and your PC no longer recognizes it, pinksage at generationzune has the answer: Hold the back and up button together for a few seconds to awaken the beast.