11-02-2004, 05:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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PDA Users Will Support WiFi Costs
"While high-speed wireless data networks are evolving rapidly, it is PDA users, not laptop PC users, who will make these systems profitable and productive, according to mobile computing pioneer Andrew Seybold. "I want to make one thing perfectly clear: Nobody will pay for these [wireless data networks] with laptop users," said Seybold, head of mobile computing consulting company Andrew Seybold Group LLC. It will be PDA users "who will pay the freight" to keep these networks in business, he said Monday at the CTIA Wireless show here."
I am not sure I agree with this, but I'm also sure I don't have enough info to make an informed opinion on it. What do you think?
11-02-2004, 05:28 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 248
with a PDA it is much easier to whip it out of my pocket, connect, send/download my email, check a website or two, and then get on the train than it is for me to do it with a laptop...so I'd use it more so I''d be willing to pay for it more. Also, living in Philly, I can do such things at various parks and public places around the city which is nice as well. no more sitting indoors looking at the screen on the weekends.
11-02-2004, 05:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 34
I don�t know if it�s the pda users that will bring in the cash, but I�m running a page that lists hotspots in my town, and if check my logfile, the pda-template is called almost as often as the normal page. For me that means, a lot if people use pdas for surfing the web, and on the go there�s nothing easier than taking out your pda and using wireless networks. Of course you can�t compare it to working on your notebook, but for the waiting time at airports or trainstations the PPC is nr. 1 for me.
11-02-2004, 05:42 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 275
This deserves a poll of its own :-)
I think it's time to push those people we voted for to create a proposition to build a wireless infrastructure all over. We are paying more than enough taxes (in my opinion). That's just my take on the matter.
John Cruz
11-03-2004, 01:32 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 184
we should do our own personal network with each other for example, people have made it possible to use wifi for over 80 miles, we could build our own network and use that instead.
or am i way off?