10-01-2004, 11:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
WLAN Update For iPAQ 4100 And 4300 Series
This has a number of fixes:
� Corrects issue where the handheld fails to switch between access points with different index keys. � Corrects communication issue with Cisco Access Points that have Aironet Extensions activated. � Corrects issue where the handheld fails to reconnect to an access point with Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) enabled. � Corrects roaming issue between an open access point and an access pointwith WPA Pre-Shared Key version (WPA-PSK) enabled.
Please note that this requires ROM Version 1.10.xx. If ROM version 1.10.xx is not installed, download and install SoftPaq Number SP28385 for an iPAQ Pocket PC h4100 Series handheld or SoftPaq Number SP28375 for an iPAQ Pocket PC h4300 Series handheld BEFORE installing this ROM update.
The installer is only available for English right now and is 2.3MB. It appears to be a RAM patch, not a ROM patch. If anyone tries it, see how much RAM it requires when it installs. You can do this in ActiveSync's installer by answering "No" to the "Install to the default location." It'll have the RAM requirements. Then install it to RAM. This most certainly won't work on a storage card or in a ROM file store. :wink:
10-01-2004, 11:36 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 3
340K and it actually fixes the issue of not reconnecting to an AP with WPA.
Although it's not big, It's wonderful to think that because they don't want to do the whole WM2003SE thing an iPAQ 4100 owner that needs WPA that works now has to have a ram patch applied to a rom update that jerry-rigs WPA into WM2003.
Now that's inventive!
10-01-2004, 03:23 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 618
where can i get the english version of the 1.10 ROM update first? i can only find the german version on HP's site for the 4100 series
10-01-2004, 04:19 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 11
I have the 1.10.03 Rom from August installed, but I can't install the WLan update as it says
ERROR: Invalid Language
This update is only intended for the h4100/h4300 series IPAQ WWE ROM version 1.10.
This appears on the actual IPaq screen when installing.
English H4150.
And I can't find the English version of the updated 29-Sep-04 1.10 ROM on HP's site either, again only the German version is available.
Fixed: It appears that asset information was somehow incorrect.
The information displayed by the ASSET VIEWER was wrong, e.g the serial number, language etc were showing incorrect or null characters.
A Hard Reset, Restore and install of the WLAN update now appears to work fine with the August version of the 1.10 ROM.
Lets hope the WI-Fi is now a bit more reliable...
10-01-2004, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 73
I just installed the patch with no problems. I won't be able to verify the fix for switching networks until I go home, but I'm looking forward to trying it. This bug was really annoying.
Has anyone found a successful way to report bugs to HP and get them to acknowledge your very existence? The support rep I talked with refused to take my bug reports because my warranty was expired and had the nerve to suggest I call the for-pay tech support line to report my bugs.