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Old 09-23-2004, 12:00 PM
Brad Adrian
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Default Speaking Of Testing Software...

We just found out about another type of exam simulation software that Heber Acquafreda has designed, called Examiner. If you're interested in creating powerful, sophisticated exams for the Pocket PC, take a look at Examiner.

Heber's site has TONS of screen shots and a complete listing of Examiner's features. A few of the important ones are:

� Reads XML or native (compressed and encrypted) exams
� Supports single, multiple, true/false, written and flashcard questions
� Supports multimedia resources (images, sounds, movies, case studies etc)
� Customizable exam settings (number of questions, time limit, sequential/random mode, random options, instant feedback, sudden death and more)
� Topic and difficulty level filtering
� Timer with pause function
� Question notes with "rich ink" (supports drawings and voice notes)
� Works in portrait and landscape modes (in Windows Mobile 2003 SE, orientation is changed "on the fly")
� Generates HTML reports

You can download a free demo version or the full version for only $19.80 from the Handango site

But WAIT! There's more!

Heber has offered to give a free license of Examiner to five Pocket PC Thoughts readers! And, just to keep things interesting, here's what you'll need to do to be eligible for this giveaway:

� Post a reply to this thread, with an example of how you would like to use Examiner.
� Provide enough detail to make your idea clear, but a sentence or two should suffice.
� If you like, include ONE potential question from your example project.
� You may enter a total of TWO times (in separate posts), because I know your creative little brains are simply teeming with ideas.

And, a few additional guidelines:

� All entry posts must be received by 1:00am PST on October 1, 2004.
� The winners will be the five entries deemed the most creative and useful by a blue ribbon panel of anonymous judges.
� The decisions of the judges are final, except in the event that any judges are either declared legally insane or proven to actually enjoy rap music.
� Any attempts to misconstrue or complicate my [clearly] simple rules will be immediately ignored.
� No whining.

Any questions? HAVE FUN!
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Old 09-23-2004, 12:18 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 54

Wow, my first "first post" ever!

Anyway, I am slowly trying to learn to speak and read German. this would help because I could create self-tests, both flashcard type and a "translate the spoken phrase" type since it can handle sounds. How cool is that!
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Old 09-23-2004, 12:44 PM
Gareth Lock
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 47

Studying for my MSc!!

I am currently studying for an MSc in Aerospace Systems and would like to load the different modules we have (Maths, IS, Weaponeering, Radar, Comms, Electro Optics) as different exams. I could load images, equations, audio from radar emitters and much more.

The loading of the exam material into the software would be one form of revision, with the exams themselves taking another form.

If I don't win this I am going to have to sit and write it all out by hand and try to remember it parrot fashion, so here's hoping.

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Old 09-23-2004, 01:59 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 352

I wonder if I am qualified. I would like to give a copy of Examiner to a friend of mine who will be taking her PMP exam soon.

When I took my PMP earlier this year, I tried out many Flash card apps. I had problem with the one I purchased from the get-go. I ended up using ListPro to help me study. But ListPro is a list program. While it could help me with memorizing the nine knowledge areas and such, it really was lacking in the Q&A feature. This testing program looks really good.

Now my friend is studying for her PMP, I know her pain 8) . I know from experience that even the act of inputting the question and answer helps the brain to analyze and remember.

Here is a sample question:

Project costs are over budget when

A. CPI > 1.
B. CPI < 1.
C. CPI < 0.
D. SPI = 1.
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Old 09-23-2004, 02:11 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 10
Default WebCT

I work at a small university and would like to try to move some of our online practice-tests that we currently have on WebCT to the PDA. This way, our students wouldn't be tied to a laptop to take the practice tests, they could use their PDAs at lunch or anywhere that they don't normally take their laptops.
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Old 09-23-2004, 03:25 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 307

Oooooo, I know what I'd use this for! I'd design a test for potential girlfriends to try to determine whether they're psychotic before I get involved with them rather than after. For example:

(1) You arrive at my apartment to find me in the shower with your best friend and a loofa. Do you:

(a) Flush every toilet in the place to scald us alive?
(b) Hand me the hairdryer?
(c) Call my wife from your cell phone to tell her what you've found?
(d) Offer to hold the camcorder?
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Old 09-23-2004, 03:28 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 97
Default Man could I use this for my PMP Study Group

I'm currently leading a Project Management Professional, PMP study group for 20 people in my company. I could absolutely utilize this software to create sample questions that I review with the group each Friday. The format is simplistic but thats the format they will see on the exams so I cann't get creative here

1.) Question Text here
A. choice a
B. choice b
C. choice c
D. choice d

This software would also allow me to bring only my PPC to the group which I already use for the presentation, PMBOK (in PDF format). So while I walk in w/ just a PPC, my study members are lugging their binders :-) If this doesn't convince them to get a PPC nothing will.
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Old 09-23-2004, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 176

Well I am not as smart and educated as everyone else and would love this program for different reasons.

I would use it for poker odds and situations and what should be done for them

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Old 09-23-2004, 07:21 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 124
Default Law School

I have been looking for a good quiz program for a while. I am a second year law student and often review cases and court holdings. This product stands out because of the "Study References" feature.

I have tried many quiz products and found them lacking because I don't want to type in all of the details of a case or a particular problem. With the documend and web referencing tool I can put enough information to make sure I remember it, but then if questions come up I can link to the full case holding or a document with my class notes on it.l
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Old 09-23-2004, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 124
Default Post II

Since I am also on the adminsitrative board of a law school organization that provides student outlines and other study materials, it would be great to be able to have quizes prepared, distributed, then modified, improved and redistrubuted among with pocket pc.

Plus, this will give me an even better selling point when telling my why a PPC is indispensible.
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