09-01-2004, 11:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
OmniMD Charge Capture
According to OmniMD, physicians tend to forget to register up to 20% of their patient encounters, which leads to missed charges. Which might be good for the patients (personally I never felt the doctor's bills were too low), but it's lost income for the physicians. If they carry a Pocket PC (and who doesn't?), Charge Capture could help them with their billing practices.
"The billing cycle can be managed smoothly with OmniMD charge capture software, which allows charge capture and creation of electronic Superbills right at the point of care. Using a Pocket PC, physicians can record charges on the fly, create electronic Superbills and then export the data directly into their practice's billing software. Physicians will also be able to send electronic Superbills directly to their billing service provider, instead of sending paper-based Superbill. This ensures greater accuracy, avoidance of missed charges and quicker initiation of the billing process."
09-28-2004, 05:43 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 1
Wireless Charge Capture for Pocket PC
MD Coder is a charge capture product that supports both Pocket PC and Palm OS platforms. As the moderator indicated, there is a growing concern amongst providers about their ability to capture charges at the poing of care. A Pocket PC product that has recently received its Microsoft Logo Certification is MD Coder by Mobile Design Technologies, Inc. which provides users both a stand alone or enterprise web based product allowing one to capture charges at the point of care and sync those charges wireless back to the billing office.
Our website is http://www.mobiledesigntech.com you can learn more about our pocket pc charge capture product at http://www.mobiledesigntech.com/product/index.htm