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Old 08-25-2004, 03:00 PM
Janak Parekh
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Default T-Mobile Posts Presale Page For iPAQ 6315

"Finally. A handheld that can keep up with you. Get yours now, exclusively from T-Mobile, and start bossing this thing around. The new iPAQ has it all�phone, e-mail, Bluetooth�, and Wi-Fi, for just $499.99. T-Mobile bundled rate plans include everything you need to get the most out of your new handheld, starting at $79.99 per month. Order your iPAQ now, before it arrives in stores. Products ordered through this pre-sale Web site are expected to ship on 8/26/2004."

That's great, except for two things: CompUSA has already been selling the units, and more confusingly, T-Mobile only seems to be offering two price plans with the presale -- both with unlimited GPRS and (Hotspot) WiFi, but at the whopping prices of $79.99 and $99.99 depending on the number of bundled voice minutes. :confused totally: Wouldn't people want to get cheaper plans and use WiFi at home too? I'm hoping that once T-Mobile gets the iPAQ 6315 out of presale mode, they'll offer standard plans with it, too.
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Old 08-25-2004, 03:24 PM
Sven Johannsen
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I thought the Compusa price was $599, but I could be wrong. That would be a $100 break, which is a pitance.

The rate plans are fairly normal though. Usual T-Mo voice is about $40, to get the $20 unlimited GPRS, (it's $30 if you get much less voice) and the hot spot is $20 per month. That's $80. You'd think they could give a little break on the bundle though, $5-$10 maybe. I'd think the Hot Spots would get some Starbucks kick-back to soften the blow too. If I had a Hot Spot account, I'd probably go more...and drink more.
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Old 08-25-2004, 03:27 PM
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Default Just everyone wait......

I guess we will all find out what the plans you can get with these. I talked to the local t-mabile store and they said they are ready to go on Thursday but they couldn't tell me any plans as of yet. I will not pay $80 a month though!

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Old 08-25-2004, 03:56 PM
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Actually $80/month doesn't sound like too bad of a deal to me. If you figure normally it would cost $30/month just for hotspot access and $40/month for a 1000 min. voice plan, then they're only charging $10 for the unlimited GPRS internet.

So if someone purchases this specific plan, does that mean they can use any WiFi device to access the T-Mobile hotspots, or can it only be used with the iPAQ?
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Old 08-25-2004, 05:13 PM
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sounds like a deal to me. my bill is 84 a month. I get 700 day time minutes, free fridays and weekends. Plus unlimited gprs. So it looks like they're including the free hotspot access. Which isn't bad because theres a starbucks on every right angle in the nyc.
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Old 08-25-2004, 06:00 PM
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This harkens back to an agoe old opinion of mine. We are nickled and dimed to death. Everyone wants $10/month. Now it's growing to $20 and $30.

Companies like T-Mobile (and I am a T-Mobile customer) price this service out of the realm of feasibility and wonder why they are not a bigger success. Price the services within reach and whatch the revenues grow!

I think that $5/month for Unlimited GPRS and $8-$10 for Unlimited Wifi are reasonable. And they should include the push E-Mail technology that they have apparently licensed from Good Technology. At these rates, I think that T-Mobile would have a much larger subscribership, higher revenues, the technology would proliferate, and the so would the profits....

Then again, that might make way too much sense......

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Old 08-25-2004, 06:21 PM
Sven Johannsen
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Originally Posted by jpaq
I think that $5/month for Unlimited GPRS and $8-$10 for Unlimited Wifi are reasonable. :?
IMHO that's backwards. A service I can get to anywhere, GPRS, is worth more to me than one I have to go to a specific location, where it is likely I am going to spend additional money for product there. I might actually sign up for the Hot Spot at $5-$10, and they would be providing me bandwidth maybe once a week for a half hour. What would make the most sense to me is have them $20 each but bundle them at about a $25 - $30. That way I can believe I'm paying $20 for GPSR and $5 for WiFi, and you can believe you are paying $20 for WiFi and $5 for GPRS, or whatever breakout you can rationalize
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Old 08-25-2004, 08:55 PM
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WiFi is much faster than GPRS. GPRS on the $20 plan or the $5 T-zones is pretty slow. I have the $5 T-zones plan pda/phone and would be willing to pay $10 for the unlimited GPRS. I would rather have GPRS available where ever I am vs the limited WiFi availability. Also, I think T-Mobile has a discount for T-Mobile customers for WiFi. I think it's $20/mo versus the normal $30.
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Old 08-25-2004, 09:54 PM
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is there such thing as a free hotspot? I can't rationalize paying for wi-fi. The hotspots should be incentive for a customer coming into a store and spending money while in there. Its the companies who should be paying for the hotspots, not us.
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Old 08-25-2004, 09:59 PM
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I pay $20 a month for unlimited gprs. It may not be fast, but I can get it anywhere, including in my car (Something wi-fi may never be able to do outside of a big city).

I use gprs to stream internet radio in my car and run it through my car's speakers. I am having trouble seeing the point of paying for fast access only when I am at starbucks or borders. What are you going to do, stream a high definition porn flick while drinking your morning coffee?
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