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Old 08-24-2004, 06:00 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide for Pocket PC

"Think of all the time you have spent watching films that haven't lived up to the studio hype. � Now with a few taps of the stylus you can find the gems and side step the turkeys. Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide places essential facts for over 20,000 films at your fingertips including ratings and capsule reviews summarizing plot quality and often great tidbits of information."

If you're a movie fan, this software is worth a look - and at $19.95, it's actually quite reasonably priced when you factor in the royalty payments for the "Leonard Maltin" brand name on the software. I'm tempted to get this because I'm constantly grabbing my laptop to look up info on IMDB. I'd love to be able to use my Pocket PC for this instead - are there any other software apps I should look at in this same vein?
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Old 08-24-2004, 06:23 PM
Bruno Figueiredo
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Well, for me there's nothing better than my IMDB 1920-Today TomeRaider Database. It's a hefty file (16MB) but worth it.
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Old 08-24-2004, 06:31 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
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I was about to post the same thing. TomeRaider, and the IMDB databases from Memoware. There are a number of different versions...for example the 1980-present Micro View is under 2 megs.

Plus there are so many other great works at Memoware, it makes no sense to pick this up...sorry. For another $5 or so more get TomeRaider (which is about to go to version 3 with image and HTML support) and gain access to so much more free content.

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Old 08-24-2004, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
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OK, having looked at the app itself it actually has some nice features like a DVD library manager, rental reminder, and online release updates...

I suppose if you are looking for a dedicated app for this one purpose it is excellent. But for pure reference and versatility, I still go for TR.

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Old 08-24-2004, 06:44 PM
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I've had my eye on this for awhile. I love the fact you get free film updates (until the next version of the app is released).

The clincher is can you flag films you want to watch and falg films you want to buy, and filter for just either of those? If so, I'll definetely be purchasing this app. Looks great!
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by brianchris

The clincher is can you flag films you want to watch and falg films you want to buy, and filter for just either of those? If so, I'll definetely be purchasing this app. Looks great!
When you find a movie you like (i.e. want to see or buy) in Viewing Guide, you tap and hold on it and then select "Add to My Movies..." from pop-up menu. This will add the movie to Movie Manager list.

Once there, you can put (or not put) a checkmark in "Owned" and "Viewed" fields. E.g. if you want to buy the movie, you would not checkmark "Owned" field.

Then you can tap on Show... button and choose to:

- Show Items I Own
- Show Items I Don't Own
- Display Viewed Status.

Show/Don't Show owned movies will work like a filter, so it will only show the movies you own or the movies you don't own (i.e want to buy), or both. Display Viewed Status is not a filter, but it adds an eye icon next to the movie entry in the list view of Movie Manager, so it is very easy to spot the movies you already saw and differentiate them from those you want to see in the future.

Leonard Maltin Movie Guide is far more than just a movie database like IMDB edition for TomeRaider. This program not only features powerful personal movie library and rental management tool, but also provides regular updates of the following:

- DVD Release dates
- Film Festival dates
- Film Premiere dates

I personally like it a lot and highly recommend to all movie buffs out there.

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Old 08-24-2004, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by GadgetMan
Show/Don't Show owned movies will work like a filter, so it will only show the movies you own or the movies you don't own (i.e want to buy), or both. Display Viewed Status is not a filter, but it adds an eye icon next to the movie entry in the list view of Movie Manager, so it is very easy to spot the movies you already saw and differentiate them from those you want to see in the future.
Wow....thanks for such a detailed reply. Your reply single handadly made me not need to hassle with a trial version for this app (if one even exists). It is functional enough that I will be buying it.

I really wish the "Display viewed status" was a filter. BUT, based on your explanation, I believe I can use the viewed status in an unintended way to accomplish MY goal (to remind myself which movies I want to see but haven't). If I haven't seen a movie, but want to, I will mark it as viewed, and clear that mark once I have viewed it......a filter for that would be great though I know that's backwards from how they intended it, but for me, one of the biggest problems I have is trying to remeber which films I wanted to see when I have the opportunity to go to the theater or rent a movie. To be honest, I'm surprised that functionality isn't there all ready (or perhaps I'm the only one with that problem? ops: )

Again, not enough of a deal breaker for me not to buy it, and hopefully the authors will implement that functionality in a future release.
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:31 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Hmmm I can't remember if its Leonard Maltin who's reviews I hate or not. I know more then a few critics who's reviews I stay as far away from as possible mainly due to tunnel vision review syndrome. e.g. If you aren't a mainstream movie such as a drama or some artsy crap you suck. Examples would be any type of Sci-fi. Any type of fantasy that isn't a big rave with everyone else. (I call it peer pressure.)

But again I'm not sure if it's Maltin or not. Isn't Maltin the guy who regularly shows up on Entertainment Tonight? If so then I'm mistaken and will probably pick this app up. My tastes generally are inline with whoever the guy on ET is.
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:42 PM
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Here he is, that guy from ET, Leonard Maltin:

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Old 08-24-2004, 10:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 164

Originally Posted by Jonathan1
Hmmm I can't remember if its Leonard Maltin who's reviews I hate or not. I know more then a few critics who's reviews I stay as far away from as possible mainly due to tunnel vision review syndrome. e.g. If you aren't a mainstream movie such as a drama or some artsy crap you suck. Examples would be any type of Sci-fi. Any type of fantasy that isn't a big rave with everyone else. (I call it peer pressure.)

But again I'm not sure if it's Maltin or not. Isn't Maltin the guy who regularly shows up on Entertainment Tonight? If so then I'm mistaken and will probably pick this app up. My tastes generally are inline with whoever the guy on ET is.
I used to get his review books every year. He is NOT one of those types of critics you mentioned. I found that he had about the same opinions of movies that I do. He's one of my favorite critics out there.
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