Zune: Three Months Later
""After the iPod came out on top in our Zune v. iPod battle royale, we decided to keep on using the Zune so we could get a long term evaluation on how Microsoft's player stacked up. After nearly three months with the thing, we think we've got some new light to shed." ![](http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2007/3monthslater-012507.jpg)
Gizmodo decided to keep a Zune around for a while, to give it an extended test drive, and see how the Zune experience truly stacks up. Now, three months later, they are back with some additional thoughts. I love how they compare Zune subscription service to "walking in your underwear at your in-laws' house and letting one rip." Yeah, it's that liberating! Gizmodo has nice things to say about song and video playback, as well as battery life, even going as far to say the Zune actually holds a charge longer when not in use. (There seems to have been a lot of negative publicity regarding Zune's battery life. Though I've not ran any hard tests, I've been happy with my battery life. It seems to be about the same as my video iPod.)