08-20-2004, 08:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Wrap that Camera
Neil Cowburn, fellow MVP and one of the heroes behind OpenNETCF.org, has done it again. Just recently he announced, on his blog, his latest cool contribution: a wrapper around the camera API in HTC Voyager Smartphone and HTC Himalaya Pocket PC Phone Edition! It gets better. Neil provides source code to both the wrapper and to samples that illustrate how to use it! *taking a bow*
"Camera phones are becoming more and more prevalent these days. In fact, I doubt a carrier would want to ship a phone without a camera because of the potential for increased ARPU (average revenue per user). The Smartphone devices built by HTC have had a camera (in one form or another) since the early days of the original SPV (remember that plug-in camera? I still have one somewhere). This metamorphosed into an integrated camera in the HTC Voyager (SPV E200) and HTC Himalaya device (XDA II/MDA II, etc). A rather cool thing about these two devices is that the software used for taking pictures uses the same underlying API, which means it is possible to write a wrapper which will work on both the Himalaya Pocket PC Phone Edition and on the Voyager Smartphone. Well, I've done just that."

08-20-2004, 08:36 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 105
just to say WOW... 0X 0X 0X