08-07-2004, 04:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 4,303
HP Puts up FAQ About PPC2003SE Support: Readers Question the 'Answers'
A few days ago HP posted a statement on their forums, describing why they "can't" provide an upgrade to WM2003SE for the "old" devices. You will find that statement as an attachment to the first post here.
In the statement, HP answer such classic questions as "Why from time to time, does HP decide not to offer operating system upgrades?" Already there are many responses and rebuttals to the HP arguments, including some very good points from Pony99CA and Kati. In fact, it's worth checking out the thread for entertainment value alone. :wink: The HP excuses really seem pretty feeble and don't seem to withstand even casual scrutiny. How the mighty are fallen.....
08-07-2004, 04:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
All I have to say is, someone needs to be fired in HP. If you think you can deceive the tech savvy community, think again. We'll fine comb through any of your excuses and strike them down one by one.
08-07-2004, 04:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 64
Aren't you glad you have an HP?
Total BS. I like how, when talking about limited ROM size, HP said they decided to keep "value added" 3rd party apps over an OS upgrade. Uh huh. I just can't live without TWO image viewers on my 4155. MSN app? Please! Messenger? Never worked for me though I prefer a FREE IM app called Agile Messenger that allows connection to ICQ, AIM, Yahoo!, MSN.
1. Deny HP customers a deserved upgrade.
2. Release lame, uninspired new devices
3. ... Profit?!?
08-07-2004, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 329
Hmm I don't know which is the saddest, that HP wants to obsolete my device, before it's time for greed. Or HP wants me to believe that HP lacks the technical ability to provide an upgrade to WM SE.
HP claims to be worried about my user experience. If that is so, then please provide a ROM update that allows my 5555 to continue to read ebooks on a storage card, after powering the device off/on, without first closing my reader and reopening it each time.
HP has stated their are no major improvements between WMFE and WMSE, if that is true. Then I would suggest you remember the 5455 and 5555. One of the major improvements in the 5555 over the 5455 was the additional RAM. Now HP is reading the hx4700, is this another example of planed obsoleteness? Why do all the new models have very limited RAM?
If WMSE is not useful on existing models because they have QVGA screens, why then of the 6 known models HP is releasing with WMSE, do 5 of them have QVGA screens?
08-07-2004, 04:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 355
Anyone notice that HP states that they have NO INTENTION of offering WM2003SE for the newly-released 6300?
Does the newly launched h6300 come with Microsoft� Windows Mobile� 2003 Second Edition?
Based on the product design functionality and release timing, it was decided not to offer Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition on this model. HP has included enhanced wireless capabilities on this product including the latest WiFi security standards. It is unlikely that HP will provide an update to Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition on this product. Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition would not provide any significant enhancements, as most of the key functionality that is important on a device such as the iPaq h6300 series has been taken into consideration prior to its release.
The 6300 was the ONE newly-launched device from HP that I had any interest in - they effectively just eliminated my desire to purchase that unit. At this point, HP has basically got no PPC's with WM2003SE that I have any interest in purchasing - I don't know what horse's a?? is running that group at this point, but in my opinion, they have managed to completely destroy any credibility they had gained in the PPC market. That Dell X30 is starting to look pretty attractive at this point......
08-07-2004, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 330
I noticed one of the posts there talking about the iPAQ2210 running SE.
I remember the news earlier on then the year about developers queing up at the HP stand at one of the shows to have their iPAq's reflashed with it.
Correct me if i'm wrong
Plus how come i'm able to jump between second edition and first edition on a Tosh E800 and yet non E800 owners are left in the cold.
tut tut HP
08-07-2004, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
HP....these are not the dimwits who BUY your PC's. You can't fool us. When we see the rz1715 has a 32 MB ROM yet your still loading SE on it, then your arguments about ROM size fall short so to speak. Also, I dont need your image viewer just the same as when we were running PC's with Windows 3 on it, we did not need a replacement for the UI Microsoft provided. I am also willing to let go of my measly filestore on my 4355 to have a landscape mode and imporvements to the rest of the OS. I don't necessarily need messenger installed to rom either and MS Reader is the biggest hunk of junk out there. Also, the 4355 hasn't even had a rom update since it's been released. Some of the updates that the 4150's got we 4355 owners would like. HP you have also happened to kill a line of Pocket PC's that were once better then every other manufacturer.
08-07-2004, 05:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 329
Originally Posted by wocket
I noticed one of the posts there talking about the iPAQ2210 running SE.
I remember the news earlier on then the year about developers queing up at the HP stand at one of the shows to have their iPAq's reflashed with it.
Correct me if i'm wrong
Plus how come i'm able to jump between second edition and first edition on a Tosh E800 and yet non E800 owners are left in the cold.
tut tut HP
That couldn't have had anything to do with sales being slow before the release of new models. By releasing a "beta" for the 2210 HP knows that the 2210 will be discussed? And when it is talked about sales go up. You get to unload a few 2210 sittings on shelves.
Do you remember all the reports of the beta NOT working?
Toshiba would appear to have learn a lesson with the E750. Perhaps if enough people refuse the new HP lineup, HP will learn something too. Perhaps not, it would seem that the powers at HP want to reach out and touch us in forums that HP does not own yet. To control and limit what we can post here.
08-07-2004, 05:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,468
Let's put this in simple balck and white terms...
The agreements that HP tried to hold Jason and otgher webmasters to was underhand, nasty and stupid - but that isn't important here.
The range of new devices is uninspired and takes HP backwards - but that isn't important here either.
Not offering upgrades is shortsighted and a mistake - but even that isn't important...
What matters here is one simple, undeniable, startk fact...
In giving their reasons for not providing the upgrade HP have out and out directly, unambiguously and cynically LIED.
We all know that the document of reasons given by HP is a pack of lies from beginning to end.
Now - I'm no fan of online petitions. I never felt that HP were obliged to provide the upgrades - even if the smart thing was to do so. But this is sheer bald faced lying - if HP had simply kept quiet they would be in a stringer moral position right now.
Hammer them. Make them realise that lying to their cutomers and treating them like idiots will not be tolerated.
08-07-2004, 05:55 PM
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 57
HP - FAQ doc and thread
Hi all,
Very interesting thread - can't believe HP with all of this.
If HP were to say that they are not going to offer WM2003SE updates for economic/resource reasons, but when WM2005 comes out they will look to examine the possibility of providing upgrade CDs at a cost for certain models e.g. the 5550.....then I think they would be moving in a direction to manage this whole PR disaster.
I assume that the recently released models would not have been launched if they could not handle WM2005 - as making orphans of these units next summer would mean complete disaster for their market share. Surely they have been in discussions with Microsoft about the hardware requirements of WM2005. Thus, would such a nod to WM2005 be out of the question?
If Dell come out with a VGA version of their current X30 (624mhrz) - say even with the same design look - then even if its $100 more than the current QVGA, then would people go for that in droves or what?
If Dell made the X30 design better on the eyes and with a VGA screen then they could well make a massive land grab in the market.
I would love to see a poll on people's most likely next purchase after this whole debacle.