Re: FCC Rules Spam On Mobile Devices Illegal
Originally Posted by Pony99CA
...I guess you don't get how laws work. No law can ever prevent somebody from doing something; it merely describes the punishment for those who decide to break the law and get caught. The hope is the threat of that punishment will be enough to discourage most people from committing that crime….Do you think that makes laws against burglary stupid?
I cannot say that I'm an expert on the ways that laws are supposed to work but...
There is always the deterrent factor that should "discourage most people from committing a crime". I think that we agree 100% on that point. That is a prime ingredient for the creation and "thought process" of any law.
Here in NY the penalty for late payment of county tax was paltry at best. People were intentionally paying their taxes late since they were able to make more money keeping it in the bank than the punishment would cost them by paying late (Cool). The fix to that was to raise the punishment. Although the punishment did not entirely stop the practice, that industry collapsed. Why, because there was no money in it anymore. This is the same reasoning with a seatbelt laws, capital punishment laws and most notably the 3 time looser law. A person who is a 2-time looser will really think hard before he/she boosts another grocery store. So "laws against burglary" are not stupid. We agree again 100%.
Laws are not stupid but when a law doesn't even give the appearance of attempting to solve the problem at hand people become interested in what the thought process behind the reasoning was. The spam laws that I've seen have no bite at all and will not stop any spam from coming our way. There's still a lot of money in it. Do you really think that these anti spam laws do anything? This is where we might disagree.
While it is a start these spammers are sucking the life out of bandwidth - for the user and for the ISP. Before I went to DSL I was getting 300-400 spam emails a day on one of my email accounts before I trashed it. To go through it became impossible and I finally bit the bullet and pulled the plug on that account (a business account). Spam is a problem today that needs to be addressed today not over the next 10 years. We are the ones footing the bill for these guys to be able to make their livelihood. This is money coming out of our pockets. You don't have to put these people in jail just pass a law(s) to at least take the money out of it. I'm tired of being ripped off! :evil:
Jeff - :soapbox: