07-27-2004, 09:00 PM
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Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition And VGA Resolution
I posted on a neat hack yesterday called SE_VGA that enables "real VGA" unlike SE's default behavior on VGA PDAs, but a few posters were wondering why you'd want something like that. I'll write a bigger article myself one day, but in the meantime, Pavel over at PDAgold wrote up a nice article on exactly how SE handles VGA resolution, complete with lots of screenshots. Microsoft made a conscious choice that may suit regular-end users, but power users may want to seek hacks like SE_VGA to enable more functionality -- especially for PIE's disappointing default behavior.
"It is no secret that besides an easy 90-degree rotation of the screen, the main attraction of the latest version of Pocket PC operating system from Microsoft, called Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, is its support for full VGA resolution (480 x 640 pixels) where supported by hardware. I must say could not wait for VGA devices. Unfortunately, my first encounter with the system was a great disappointment. Surprisingly, it was not Toshiba e800 but HP iPAQ hx4700 that was the first PDA with this feature I could try. If you would like to avoid such a disappointment yourself, I recommend reading this article carefully to find out about all the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS."
07-27-2004, 09:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 196
Good article.
WM2K3 SE is a big disappointment for me too. I was really counting on the VGA thang and it just ain't happening. I liked WM2K3 and MyVGA better. It looked better. In SE everything is too small, especially the input panel. I made a mistake and hit Align Screen in real VGA mode (with SE_VGA) and it was over! There was no way I could successfully align the screen in true 480x640. Forget about it.
I'm starting to think we're not suppose to have 'real VGA mode'. It's not exactly comfortable at all. Good job Microsoft. They made a good decision leaving out real VGA option (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm serious). But the other thing they forgot to leave out was the SE upgrade itself. It's damn near pointless.
I'm ditching VGA in its entirely. I don't see it really happening. They're gonna have to find something else to propel Pocket PCs further. Even on a 7 inch screen I wouldn't care. PDAs better not get bigger than they already are anyway. Screw this, I'm not even gonna get the FlipStart anymore. 1024x600 on a 5.6 inch screen prolly has the same readability as 640x480 on a 4 inch screen if not worse.
To the general user, this is a pointless enthusiast/techie feature and upgrade.
I'm so over VGA and prolly Pocket PCs as well.
07-27-2004, 09:54 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 196
You know what would really really help right now???
Define Pocket PC and its purpose.
07-27-2004, 09:59 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 545
Pixel doubling
The pixel doublign is fine if you can't see to well but that's the minority/ Most users would not know the difference. Us ower users would. Doubling the pixels in a image in PIE? YECH
07-27-2004, 10:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by DiGiTYZED
You know what would really really help right now???
Define Pocket PC and its purpose.
That qoute really struck a cord with me. Thanks for making it DiGiTYZED.
I disagree with you strongly on Mobile 2003 SE. I think it made my E805 look beautiful and with a couple of hacks supplied easily by Tweaks2k2 I can run a couple of key programs that I like in VGA.
But back to your original quoute. I think that the PocketPC does not only what the Palms would do but it is really a PC as well. You can run terminal services, VNC, explore networks, run Music, Video, Do word processing, excel spreadsheets....etc. The list goes on and on. They do everything that a laptop PC does but the limit becomes the size of the screen for me. I really wish it were a little bigger. Keyboard constraints can be gotten around but then you are at the point of wondering if you need a different device.
You touch on something important with your qoute. What do I really want out of my device? I end up trying to do more than it was really intended to do. I would probably benefit from a mid range device between my PPC and my laptop. Some small tablet pc would be good I guess.
07-27-2004, 10:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204
well cudus to MS for handling VGA the way the did. I can barely read the fonts if they are left to their "true vga size" on sreenshots that are posted on the web, but did you ever sit and think that the pocket pc screen will still be the same size? most of you dont. can you read fonts if you make them 2 times smaller on you pocket pc? you certainly dont. you are gonna tell me that due double pixels you will see them better, yes you will but that does not stop the fact that they are going to be 2 times smaller.
Personally i would not bear font that are smaller than they are on my QVGA pocket pc. I have seen VGA pocket pcs and the thing that they add is more clarity, using a pocket pc in "real" VGA mode will not give you more space to do things but will make people laught at you when you put your pocket pc right at your face to read anything.
07-27-2004, 10:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by paris
using a pocket pc in "real" VGA mode will not give you more space to do things but will make people laught at you when you put your pocket pc right at your face to read anything.
Your comments dont really fit. Your device isnt VGA so you havent had a chance to really work with true VGA and see what it can do. Besides, who really cares about people laughing. (as if it would really happen)
For one thing everything is bright and clear except smaller. Browsing the web at 480x640 is a totally different experience. It really is cool that way. Try to mimic that in QVGA. You simply cant unless you buy an account with Thunderhawk and then its still not the same.
Many other things in true VGA are nice. Reading EBooks is a totally different experience. Sure everything is smaller but then when you make the font larger it is totally nice. Everthing is bright and clear except for the font. You end up with more clarity and more text on the screen.
Until you try it you really cant judge it. Thats why the MyVGA program drew such a big following. It was way nicer than QVGA for SOME things.
Not all.
Having the ability to use both just makes the whole device nicer. Until you try it you just wont know.
07-27-2004, 10:42 PM
07-27-2004, 10:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204
Davis as i said i have played with VGA pocket pcs so i can judge it!!! the toshiba.
If you use it in "true" VGA mode its not usable enought, everything is too small. Howeve if you use it with SE the everything changes and as i said cudos to MS who handled it that way.
Certainly is better at VGA, but not in the so called "real" vga mode. In SE you simply read everything with more clarity and the base fonts are better left at the same sine as QVGA pocket pcs. HOWEVER it adds a lot since developers can play with smaller fonts to make the user interface more smart using more detail and small fonts where apropriate, but not aplication wide since i would make everything too small to read.
Also using terminal services for examle is better, however you are not gonna use it alwyas in "true" VGA mode, but you would want to zoom to be able to read things without torturing you eyes.
07-27-2004, 10:47 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 204
Originally Posted by davis77
nope, thats your mistake mate take those screenshots put them in photoshop and size them exactly how they yould appear on a 4'' display. they dont look that big do they? would you still prefer to use the "real" VGA mode? or the MS way? I prefer the MS way, if you still prefer the true vga mode then cudos to your eyes hehe