07-20-2004, 03:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
eWallet 4.0 Released
Ilium Software has released eWallet 4 for the Pocket PC and Windows desktop. I am not sure if they have even updated their website for it just yet. :wink:

Just a few of the new features of eWallet 4.0 include:
� Subcategories - you can now add subcategories, or nested categories, to your folders, as shown in the image above. � Record level synchronization - you can opt to synchronize individual Cards between your desktop and Pocket PC files instead of doing the entire file. � True icons supported on the Pocket PC - those that have used eWallet for years recall that you used to have to "convert" desktop icons to special BMP files with a .BMI extension for use on the Pocket PC if you wanted custom icons for your cards or categories. Those BMP files were around 13K each, so having dozens could really eat up RAM space. No longer! Now the smaller 3K .ICO files from your desktop are supported. Better still, if they have the same names on your PC and Pocket PC, you can just copy them over and delete the .BMI files and eWallet 4 will use the icons. � Password hints supported
I've been using this now for a few months. All of these features are welcome additions. My favorite electronic wallet just got better! :way to go: As of this posting, I don't know what upgrade pricing will be, but they have always been fair in the past. As soon as they get their site updated and the downloads ready to go, you can get a trial or buy the it at the Pocket PC Thoughts Handango Store for $19.95. The Professional Version, which includes eWallet 4.0 for your Pocket PC and desktop is $29.95.
Update: Upgrade info is now available. Quote: If you bought eWallet on or after April 15, 2004, your upgrade copy is free on the same platform(s). If you bought eWallet before April 12, 2004, or got eWallet included with a Compaq iPAQ 3100, 3600 or 3800 series Pocket PC, you can get this upgrade for $16.95 for: a Pocket PC, Palm Powered Handheld, or Windows Smartphone and a Windows PC .

07-20-2004, 03:15 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 222
Re: eWallet 4.0 Released
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
� Record level synchronization - you can opt to synchronize individual
OK, I was debating about this upgrade until I saw this feature. Holy cow! That's the one thing I've been dreaming of. I've gotten burned by the lack of that feature more than once.

07-20-2004, 03:32 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 779
I'm not sure if I fully understand how this feature works. Can I choose to just synch everything, but at the record level, so that if I've updated one card on the desktop and one on the PPC, both updates will be synched? If so, I guess it's finally time to upgrade from the free version I got with my iPAQ 3630; or at least it will be when I get my new 4700
Does it support VGA?

07-20-2004, 03:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486

07-20-2004, 03:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 333
They've got upgrade info up. http://www.iliumsoft.com/site/ew/ew_supt2.htm#upgr
If you bought eWallet before April 12, 2004, or got eWallet included with a Compaq iPAQ 3100, 3600 or 3800 series Pocket PC, you can get this upgrade for $16.95 for:
a Pocket PC, Palm Powered Handheld, or Windows Smartphone and a Windows PC
I'll definitely be upgrading.

07-20-2004, 04:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,162
Originally Posted by Disconnected
I'm not sure if I fully understand how this feature works. Can I choose to just synch everything, but at the record level, so that if I've updated one card on the desktop and one on the PPC, both updates will be synched?
I'm quite sure that's exactly it. I've been burned by the lack of this feature before myself.
I also love the fact that you can have nested categories!!!
Looks like a worthwhile upgrade.

07-20-2004, 04:27 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 15,171
Originally Posted by rlobrecht
Thanks for the link! I'm buying it right now. The subcategories is killer for me -- I've been missing that feature ever since I used my "free iPAQ version".

07-20-2004, 04:44 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,055
Yes, record level sychronization! I'm definitely upgrading..

07-20-2004, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 6,878
I'll be upgrading as well. Come to think of it, this will be a perfect time to go and clean up the junk in eWallet that I never bothered to update/delete... :wink:
"My eyes are rolling back in my head so far I can see my grey matter bubbling and frothing from reading this thread....bleh." JD

07-20-2004, 06:43 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 533
Record level syncronization is GREAT!!!! (although LONG overdue IMHO). Its enought to make me want to purchase. Now I have to just decide which is the lesser evil: manually entering ALL my wallet data currently in Flex Wallet to eWallet, OR continuing to live with file level sync (which just bit me once again this morning....its a daily occurance) :evil: